C section and CrossFit


New member
Does anyone have any experience of having a c-section and eventually went back to weightlifting , CrossFit style workouts? If so how did you do it? What helped? What was your experience and time frame? I would like to go back to my normal routines but obviously want to do the smart way. Any feedback is appreciated
@flowful A friend of mine did. She did pelvic floor PT for quite a while and took her reentry to CrossFit slowly. IIRC it took her a few months, but it was an emergency section with a number of issues afterward.
@flowful I can’t recommend it highly enough!! I did it after my second (with my first it wasn’t really a thing people did) and it made an enormous difference.
@flowful Mom of 3 here - all c sections. I started lifting about 12 weeks into recovery on my last baby. My number one piece of advice is do not rush the lifting or intense abdominal movements like toes to bar and GHD. I was going stir crazy and started lightly jogging about 4 weeks in. My doc probably would have liked to have had a word, but it felt fine and I know my body. I didn’t lose any strength that I can tell, but it took about a year to really get all my strength back. Definitely be patient! Year in, year out. Also, one other piece of advice I would share is that day 2 is the worst pain wise, or at least it was for me on all 3 babies. Stay on top of the pain meds, and also take a stool softener. 🤷🏼‍♀️ good luck and congrats!
@leemills Thank you for the advice! I definitely did take the pain meds n stool softener. I did not work out thru out my pregnancy tho and have lost so much muscle so I feel like I’ll be starting from zero and also having to take it slow due to the c section
@flowful Been doing CrossFit since 2008. Had two babies, both c section - one emergency, one planned.

I took the full 6 weeks of recovery off from CrossFit, but walked lots and did basic movements in my pajamas like glute bridges and light seated dumbbell presses. My rule was if it required me changing out of my PJs and flip flops, it was too intense.

Coming back, I avoided anything with forward/downward pressure on my abdomen... So no pushups, planks, deadlifts, even squats. I also did not like the feeling of hanging from a bar. But I did lots of Bulgarian split squats, lunges, yoke walks, farmer carry, sled drags, presses, ring rows, and side planks. Eventually made my way back to back squats, strict pull-ups, ring muscle ups, rowing and biking. Dynamic and high impact movements like kipping, oly lifting, skipping, box jumps, and running were last. I sucked at toes to bar and l-sits for a really long time.

But everything is A-OK now! I feel as strong as ever (the youngest is 7)
@airamerica Thank you for explaining what movements you stayed away from. I think about like toes to bar and I’m like omg will I be able to do those again hahaha
@flowful Slow and steady is the key.
Also, pelvic floor PT should be the standard for postpartum regardless of the type of delivery.

And don’t be afraid to scale back to the bare minimum: my very first workout post partum called for overhead squats, burpees and something else.
I took a pvc pipe and squatted to the 30inches box. I did incline burpees to the 30 inches and stepped towards the box. I had a vaginal delivery with a 2 degree tear and worked out my whole pregnancy.
Let me tell you that shit was hard 😂😂

Even if you feel good, take it easy and do a lot of accessory deep core work (your pt will guide you).

Congratulations and good luck ❤️
@flowful I started doing street parking postpartum I think after the 6 week mark. It was nice to have something to follow and then I transitioned into doing the other Streetparking workouts. They have a slew of different versions and every workout has a “Mama modifications” option. We have a nice home gym set up and I convinced my neighbor to work out with me in the mornings before our kids get up and it’s been great. Definitely just take things slow but you will feel more and more like yourself over time.
@timothyrice Wow that’s great!! I will look into street parking postpartum!! Will definitely take things slow w this c section, I’m trying to heal the best I can so I can get back to feeling like myself. I do feel trapped like sometimes walking or even standing for to long does cause a bit of pain
@flowful I did last year and it was very, very hard. I went back too soon (like 8 weeks) and my coaches were not at all prepared to help me scale and didn’t understand what my body had just gone through. I ended up taking more time off to do pelvic floor PT (for diastasis recti) and slower post partum focused programs for a couple more months before going back.
@flowful I started CrossFit after I had no 3. I was three months post partum and had been cleared by my doctor. All you can do is take it slow. Start where you are and listen to your body. Assuming no complications you’ll likely be surprised how quickly you can progress or bounce back but it’s worth being cautious at the start
@teevee Wow 3 months that’s amazing! Was your baby c section? yes I’m trying to recover the best I can right now, I have family helping me and my husband is very involved and understands the importance of me wanting to get back to my old ways. I had no complications but so many people are saying ohh you had a c section it’s going to be atleast a yr til you can lift again or that sex will hurt and so forth. So yeah I just want to see what I could do to make it all go a bit smoother
@flowful I’ve had three sections and as long as you don’t rush it you’ll likely recover fine. Be led my your doctor, don’t ignore pain and for lifting give it a little longer