Calculating how much the games athletes won

@dawn16 In almost any other sport there are millions of people watching at any given time, or even having an interest in it. Crossfit is not a big sport, the games is small time when you really think about it.

80000 people were watching the Women's final live, there are stadiums that hold more people than that, who will have all paid money to watch it. The Broadcast deal with CBS/Facebook is nowhere near the value of that other sports have for their leagues.

Just because someone works hard does not mean that they should automatically receive millions of dollars. There is not preferential treatment here, there is popular sports and unpopular sports. You cannot just have a blanket pay across all sports with the differential being your definition of effort.
These are elite level athletes

These are elite level exercisers. None of them were good enough to be successful professional athletes in sports that have money in them, else they'd be playing those sports. Some of the games athletes are hilariously un-athletic.

It just shows a huge gap between sport preferential treatment. These guys easily work as hard as the NFL, NBA, NHL, what have you athletes, but get paid a fraction of the money.

This is not sport preferential treatment. It's capitalism. The NFL is a billion dollar industry. Competitive CrossFit is not. And again, if these crossfitters could be successful in any of those other leagues, that's where they'd be right now.
@steve8524 You're confusing that with humility.

I know multiple Games athletes personally, and each one would destroy the average CrossFitter in the gym, and destroy the average gym goer on any broad-based test. They would likely lose in a pitching contest, however. They'd also lose to the Chinese in ping pong, but that's not really athleticism as much as it is sport now is it?
@oddrob Why would t&f athletes be considered unathletic? Mat Fraser literally trained with a high school track team for the 16 games to improve his sprint. He is beaten by a middle schooler in swimming, etc. Mat Fraser is the pinnacle of the sport and he can't even think of touching any remotely high level athlete in these fields.

I personally wouldn't call him unathletic because he has shown he isnt but there is definitely a good number of Games competitors who are simply great at doing exercises.
@rentalman I agree with you, I'm being ironic. He's calling them elite exercisers because Crossfit consists of...exercises, without much specificity on them. I drew a comparison with OlyLifting, that's literally lifting weights and T&F that is literally just running or jumping.
Some of the games athletes are hilariously un-athletic.

Not a games level athlete, but I find it absolutely hilarious that the best performer at my gym cannot catch or throw anything to save her life. She has a crazy engine and blows through WODs, but throw something in her direction and it will 100% end up on the floor. And she has the most hilarious "throws like a girl" motion I've ever seen.
@aihi Right, because it is just COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE that there could ACTUALLY be people that exist that DO NOT WANT to play those other sports. Are you fucking serious, man? Just because someone is good at one thing does not mean they could NOT be good at something else. That is one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life.

Also, since you are not familiar with the definition:

noun: athlete; plural noun: athletes
a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
@dawn16 Which crossfitter do you think could make a roster of any of the 4 big sports?

I'm not sure why you are going off on /@aihi, he's correct. These crossfitters would be making more if there was enough money in it. Also, not to mention the different paying schemes. NFL, NBA, etc. are paid salaries to compete and are paid guarantees regardless of how well they do in the season. The crossfitters get paid in the games depending on how well they place. Basically, they get paid once a year and have to perform in order to get paid.

Maybe these crossfitters would be getting paid more if there were some more big tournaments year-round that they could compete in? Instead of one tourney to get paid, they have 4 tourneys to get paid or something.

Note: I did not mention endorsements and sponsors. I'm not familiar with how those contracts work, but they are prevalent in both NFL, etc. and crossfit.
@maddy1784 What is it about this subject that people do not seem to understand?

Why is it so impossible to think that these people are CrossFit athletes SIMPLY because they want to be CrossFit athletes?

I am not going to indulge your baiting about which CrossFit athlete could make it into X sport, because that is completely off topic and absolutely irrelevant to what my post was about, which is the pay gap between CrossFit and other sports.

All I 'went off' about was the fact that he had zero clue what an athlete was and his assumption that if a person chooses to do something, it is because they are incapable of doing something else.

That is literally a retarded assumption to make.

Everybody gets all pissy when someone says that elite CrossFitters are elite athletes, like it somehow takes something away from other sports.
@dawn16 I agree with you that crossfitters are athletes.

All I 'went off' about was the fact that he had zero clue what an athlete was and his assumption that if a person chooses to do something, it is because they are incapable of doing something else.

It matters what you are considering they go to. A lot of these elite crossfitters started off in other sports. None of them were really stand-outs and transitioned to crossfit when they were done or found that they were good at it. I believe Cole Sager was the highest level of athlete playing D1 football at Washington. He wasn't even getting playing time and transitioned from halfback to fullback, that's not pro level. I am interested to hear if I am skimming over someone? Again, we are talking the big 4 sports where there is actually money to be made.

Everybody gets all pissy when someone says that elite CrossFitters are elite athletes, like it somehow takes something away from other sports.

You're the one getting pissy m8. You are trying to state that these athletes should be getting paid as much as NFL/NBA/etc. players because they work hard. That's not how it works, that's not how any of this works.
@maddy1784 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THIS WORKS!! Supposed to at least, that is the entire FOUNDATION of capitalism!! BAHAHAHAHAHA oh Reddit, you never fail to amaze me.

And you still have no valid points, MONEY DOES NOT MOTIVATE EVERY PERSON. If you are really good at performing oral on dudes, but do not like it, are you gonna keep at it for the money?? It is a pretty safe bet that for a statistical majority of people the answer is NO!

And EITHER WAY, just because you CHOOSE to do something, DOES NOT mean that you are INCAPABLE of doing something else. It ONLY means that you are CHOOSING to do that other thing, and that could be for any vast and unimaginable number of reasons! It does not automatically mean that it is because you are a failure!

Why is this so hard to grasp??
@dawn16 The more all caps a comment has doesn't make it correct, buddy.

And you still have no valid points, MONEY DOES NOT MOTIVATE EVERY PERSON. If you are really good at performing oral on dudes, but do not like it, are you gonna keep at it for the money?? It is a pretty safe bet that for a statistical majority of people the answer is NO!

False for a majority of people. Money is the largest motivator for a large percentage of the population. How many do you people know personally that work at a job they hate or don't feel fulfilled in? I am willing to put money down that it is a majority.

Your blow jobs example is pretty extreme. What about joe schmoe call center worker that sits behind a computer screen for 8 hours a day answering a call. I'm willing to bet he probably doesn't enjoy that job very much, yet he shows up day after day because of monetary reasons.

just because you CHOOSE to do something, DOES NOT mean that you are INCAPABLE of doing something else

For a lot of the elite crossfitters, they came from other disciplines. You don't think they would have continued with those disciplines if they had a chance at making millions becoming a professional in them? Don't be naive.
@maddy1784 Holy shit dude.

So you are telling me that Olympic Gold medalists are all in it for the money?

Olympic athletes get paid shit.

You are telling me that the millions of military personnel in the world are in it for the money?

Soldiers get paid shit. I should fucking know.

You are telling me that top tier martial artists are in it for the money, and that the best actors are in it for the money, and that astronauts are in it for the money, and that famous composers and pianists and ballerinas and opera singers and basically anyone who is the best at what they do is in it for the money?

Yeah sure, a small group of them probably are in it for the money. But not most. Most do it because that is what they love to do. That is what their dream was.

Anyone stuck in a job they hate is someone that is too afraid of failure to try something else.

You are the naive one here.