Calling all Crossfitters who love Star Wars


New member
Hi r/Crossfit

I don't know if many of you guys have heard of Crush Cancer, it's an event held by Dogtown Crossfit (in Los Angeles, CA) every year to raise money for Stand Up to Cancer. The money we raise every year is put towards research for a cure for cancer.

This year for my fundraising effort I'm selling these Endor Barbell Club t-shirts, based off of a popular doodle I made a few months back. I will be printing four different styles (Men's Crew, Ladie's Tank, Children's Crew, and Ladies Flowy Boxy Tanks).

Here's a mock up of the shirt:
The shirts are $30 per shirt with the profits after cost going to Stand Up to cancer. I am only 15 shirts away from the next price break, so I'm reaching out to you guys to see if anyone's interested. If I hit the next price break, more money goes towards the charity. I am willing to ship across the US (on my own penny, so US only, sorry!). Shirts will be ordered on Tuesday Oct 13 and I will bust my bum to ship when I receive the printed shirts a week later (by Oct 20). I am only taking orders through Oct 11

For payment please remember to send the money as a gift. I've received a few as sales and so I'm a little short on the donation. Thanks!

For more details or to order a shirt please follow this link to the order form:

Any questions can be DMed to me or commented below, revisit this post for any updates (when the shirts are ordered, when the donation is made, when the shirts are shipped). Thanks for reading guys!

For more information on crush cancer:

Update 10/6/2015 - 2:15PM (PT)

Hi everyone! I got really caught up answering questions and sending out thank yous but I need to get back to work actually, I'll be checking back sporadically but be back for good around 5:30 in case you don't hear from me. Thanks!!!

Update 10/7/2015 - 1:43PM (PT)

Hi everyone!! I just wanted to take some time to thank you guys for reading, upvoting and ordering t-shirts. I received a way larger response than I could have ever dreamed up and I'm really happy about how far this message has reached. Last night we hit the next level price break!! I seriously cannot thank you guys enough for your generosity.

For anyone who wants to join us for our Crush Cancer wod, we're doing it on Saturday morning. Here's the WOD:

It's 3 rounds, 5 Stations, 1 minute each station, as many reps as possible-

Power Cleans, Kettlebell swings (Russian style), Shoulder to Overhead, Burpees and Double Unders

1 Min rest in between.

Your total score is your number of reps.

RX - Men - 95# Bar, 24 KG Kettlebell

RX - Women - 65# Bar, 16 KG Kettlebell

Scale as appropriate!

Update 10/10/2015 4:37pm (PT)

Hi everyone! Just an update our CRUSH CANCER event was this morning. I am still recovering on the floor of my apartment, we were working out in 90 degree heat!!! Together we've raised $100,000 and COUNTING as I have some funds that have not yet been deposited including the tshirt sales.

I've received an AMAZING amount of orders through reddit alone, I am SO thankful and SO excited to fill these orders. For anyone who is still interested I am cutting off orders TOMORROW (Sunday 10/11) at 11:59pm (PT). No new orders or changes on orders can be made after that. So put your orders in soon!! If you have any questions feel free to email, DM, or comment here. Thank you!

Update 10/11/2015 3:29pm (PT)
Hi everyone! Just a reminder tonight is the cut off for orders, today is the last day you can preorder a t-shirt as shirts will be ordered tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!!!

BTW, here's a photo from yesterday's event!
Update 10/12/2015 10:54am (PT)

Hi Everyone! Orders are now officially closed. I'll be going to the printers to make the order today on my lunch break. Thank you so much to everyone who ordered, spread the word, contributed to Stand Up to Cancer :)

Update 10/21/2015 11:20am (PT)

THE SHIRTS HAVE BEEN PRINTED. I have declined to post a picture of the shirts, I'm looking forward to people being surprised.

But everything is set to go:
If you feel the need to share a picture of your shirt to social media, please hashtag it #EndorBarbellClub so that I can see it! ALL out of town shirts are being shipped today by USPS, I'll try to send everyone their tracking numbers tonight. If you didn't send me a payment, your shirt will not be shipped until then.

If you have opted to pick up I have sent you an email regarding details for pick up, if you didn't receive an email for pick up and this is your plan, email me ASAP!

As a word of warning, I'll be out of town/useless from Saturday through Tuesday. Pick ups will continue when I'm back.

Any questions? Send me an email. Thanks!!

Update 10/21/2015 2:44pm (PT)
Shirts have been shipped! I will try to send out tracking numbers tonight or else tomorrow. :)

Update 11/2/2015 9:31am (PT)
I made the bulk donation this morning! Together we raised over $1200 ($885 from t-shirts alone). The event itself has raised over $111,000. Thanks so much you guys, Your contribution really means a lot to me, and I'm so happy to see all the photos of you guys in the shirts.
@tomber The guy who did the Joker shirt a few months back had his project shut down due to use of copyright materials. I hope you don't run into the same problems with the use of the Ewok image!

It's a cool shirt and good cause, good luck!
@tiffabychan Thanks for the warning and your kind words! I was a little afraid of that myself and kept the project small among only people I knew, but I'm so close to the price break I wanted to see if I could reach out to this small community for a little bit of help. I'm not making any money off of this so I'm hoping I'll be left alone.

Also do you have a link to this joker shirt? I'm curious I bet it was awesome.

Just googled it, bummer.
@tomber Ordered and Paid- great design for an even better cause. If there is a WOD associated with this event, can you let us know? Would love to participate from a distance.
@demakers Thanks I received both your order and payment. I really appreciate it. AND YES!! I'm so thrilled you asked.

It's 3 rounds, 5 Stations, 1 minute each station, as many reps as possible-

Power Cleans, Kettlebell swings (Russian style), Shoulder to Overhead, Burpees and Double Unders

Your total score is your number of reps.

RX - Men - 95# Bar, 24 KG Kettlebell

RX - Women - 65# Bar, 16 KG Kettlebell

Scale as appropriate!

I'm going to PM you with some information if you guys would like to participate as a gym. Thanks!!