Calling all multi-sport ladies

@samuelpautu M muai thai

T functional

W weights glutes

Th muai thai

F bjj or animal move

S hiking
  • 20 mins yoga everydy pm
In my perfect world week would have more than 7 days so i could add few more things;)
@samuelpautu I play volleyball, lift weights, and run. My week usually looks like this:

S: long run

M: weights (full body)

T: short group run

W weights

Th: volleyball, optional run

F: short/medium run

S: weights

I take a rest day when I feel like I need one, but generally I consider Thursday a rest day if I'm not running. In the summer volleyball ends and I switch to triathlon training, so some of the run sessions get subbed for biking and swimming.
@samuelpautu Ooo I love this as I’m always fascinated to see what we’re all doing! I would say the below with a caveat that I grew up playing sports (D1 soccer for college), I work from home and have no kids, and I listen to my body - if I’m sore from something in the below, I’m adjusting the next few days - I left my ego at the door in my early 30s, and respect the abilities and limitations of my 37 year old patellas 😅

M-F - CrossFit - 6 am followed by cold plunge and sauna with meditation on Calm app
M-F - Lunchtime: dog walk for 30 minutes, eat meal prep, do my Pliability workout for the day to get mobility (truly a game changer for me - love that app)
T/Th/Sat/Sun - run 6-8 miles (these are literally turtle pace) after work ~4 pm
Wed/Th - 8 PM kickball and beach volleyball leagues (mostly social so not too intense)

Saturday and Sunday, other than running, fiancé and I usually bike a bit, walk dogs, do some mobility or foam roll for anything twinging. If we decide to do a hike or go for a surf, I’ll do that instead of run.
@sgroth I’m a big fan of it. You can do a test when you start and it’ll make a path for stuff to work on or just do the daily stretch. Also, the music and cues are relaxing but you can also mute them and listen to an audiobook, podcast, etc.
@samuelpautu My main sports are trail running and climbing, with a side helping of paddling, hiking, strength/yoga for general mobility.

My ideal base schedule is:

M: Yoga + Core

T: Running (speed work, 4-6mi)

W: Climbing (gym)

Th: Running (easy pace, 3-6mi) + Strength and core

F: Climbing (gym)

Sa: Usually reserved for climbing outside, hiking, or paddling depending on weather and partner availability.

S: Running (long trail run, 8-15mi depending on what I'm training for)

If I need more trail miles, I might add a 4th running day on Saturday and occasionally I add a climbing day on Monday. Kind of depends on the season, what I'm training for, etc.

Yoga/core/strength is very lowkey for me, basically just for preventing injury and imbalances. It's usually about a 30min affair.

I don't plan to do races longer than 25k, so that helps with the balance. I don't think I'd have time to train for a marathon or ultra without sacrificing climbing. For climbing I primarily care about getting my outdoor lead grade up right now, so I stick to toprope and sport at the gym.

It's definitely a give and take, but I'm happier doing a couple sports fairly well than going really hard in only one sport so it works. I've recently gotten interested in trying a gravel tri though, and I'm not sure where that will fit in so wish me luck lol
@samuelpautu I always like to do my weight lifting in the morning. So maybe 2 to 3 weekday mornings I'll weightlift, come home and have my breakfast/lunch meal which is protein oats, then in the afternoons I'll go to Muay Thai (maybe 2-4 weekday afternoons). I also walk 7km to and from my martial arts gym.

Weekend mornings are always just weightlifting and maybe some cardio machine afterwards.
@samuelpautu I wake up super early before work to get my workouts in and I have 3 consecutive days off for my hobbies/sports so mine probably looks a lot different than most. I also don't have kids or an SO so I spend my time how I want.

I try to strength train 3 days a week, I also run 5-6 days a week and when the weather isn't horrible I cycle 2-3 times a week (sometimes more if I couldn't run as much) usually just on my weekend. I also alternate strength days during the week but always do a long gym session on Saturday.

So one week possibly looks like:

Sunday- strength then run

Monday- run

Tues and Weds- either strength then run, or just run, or active rest day (lots of walks at work)

Thurs- morning easy run and/or then short cycle in the afternoon

Fri- cycle (usually a long ride to get out of the house and go exploring)

Sat- long run and strength, maybe a short bike run for fun.

Now that the weather is warming up I will be trying to add some swims on my day off also but I need to find a pool and figure out my schedule. Usually the summers here are too hot to cycle unless I go before the sun comes up.
@samuelpautu This is a great question because it’s something I struggle with all the time.
Currently, I’m training for a trail race, so my schedule is a like less varied and on a ten day rotation with 5 days of heavy strength training, one long run, one tempo run, and every other rotation either hills or sprints, and two days of yoga. After this race in May, I have a bike race to train for all the runs will switch to rides. In the winter, my cardio days are either dancing or spin classes because treadmills are boring. But if an opportunity year round comes (which essentially means I just have more time available) I will go cross country skiing, do a long (10m+ hike), or long bike ride. I find it very hard to find time for everything I want to do.