Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

@dollydot Late reply, I know

I've never heard anyone saying that they've achieved great results from protein shakes, and I've been going to the gym for more than 20 years.

Because as long as you hit your daily protein requirements, it doesn't really matter all that much. Shakes just give an easy way to ingest more whey than you may otherwise. Very strict protein timing was debunked by the very researchers you're throwing shade on.

But sure, by all means if you think the shakes are absorbed by the body the same way as solid food go for it.

Based on the biology and mechanisms, that is what I think. The only real difference is speed of metabolism, but that only matters if you're not eating with any regularity throughout the day. Once you hit a certain level of protein quality, you don't really get any additional out of it... every animal-based protein source I can think of checks that box.
@jamesgray You can’t know until you try it and see what works for your body.

My general rule of thumb is 1g/8-10calories while cutting and 1g/12-14calories while bulking.
@edd3 So a 3500cal bulk diet would have anywhere from 250-290g protein. I’m almost always on the lower end but leave room for whatever.

A 2200cal cut diet would have 220-275g protein. I sit in the middle on cuts so I’m just about the same as a bulk.
@jamesgray Are you trying to lose weight ? If yes know that’s it’s not a good thing if you want to gain muscle. It’s extremely far from optimal and it will only work while you’re still a beginner. If you’re trying to gain muscle (so gain weight) then intermittent fasting may just not be your best idea
@jamesgray Track your calories, if you feel very full doing IF with higher protein it would be helpful to know where your calories are at so you can know if you are in a surplus, at maintenance, or in a deficit. Assuming you are trying to maintain a deficit (assuming why you are doing IF) to lose weight, having higher protein will be important to ensure your body isn't losing muscle mass.

Perhaps you can look at changing your eating style? Get some protein supplementation in that is not filling, like whey, so that you can drink more of your protein and not feel overly full.
@jamesgray Too low my man, what's your weight/height?

And what's your current physique like? Are you overweight? underweight? average?

If you can answer, I can help, I also IF (16/8) on a 2700 Calorie Diet averaging 130-160g of protein a day. Over 14 years of experience.
@racheleginn Hey! good to see another faster here, even with that much experience, you definitely could be a lot of help for me. thanks in advance.

I’m 5 9, 150lb, 122lb lean mass. I’m doing 18/6 to maximize the length of my fasted state and eat 1800 calories with 40g of protein per meal and this already makes me feel too full to eat in just two meals with 6 hours interval.

don’t you feel too full to eat that much in two meals?
@jamesgray 900 calories per meal isn't a lot when fasting my man. I've only fasted a few times but if I fasted for 6 hours straight, I could easily down a 1000 calories of food and still be hungry after haha.
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I got carried away with work / dinner. I'm actually right around your weight/height too.

I am 5'9, 155, I'd say anywhere from 11-13% body fat and lean.

Question, what's your exact goal? I'm assuming cutting, because if your consuming 1800 calories a day at your height weight is crazy too low even for a cut. You'd be in a massive deficit. You just won't be happy and energized through out the day.

Also 18/6 is a long fast...shorten it 16/8. I do get very full. I have two large meals and a protein shake which has about 60g of protein. and each meal having 40-50grams of protein. I'm maintaining very well at 2500-2700 calories a day. I'm going to get it higher to 3000 soon.