If I were to do Mike Mentzer’s HIT, for a fullbody workout. Should I still contain 1-2 excercise per muscle?

@bobo_mcpherson I honestly would just encourage you to pick a program. Any program. Work hard, reap the benefits of your efforts. Over time (years) you'll learn to adjust things for you.

My first program that I followed when I was 18 (37 now) was Chad Waterbury's - Total Body Training. I think it's still on T-Nation.
Update: today I will go through with HIT.

Slow reps, two warm up sets that are controlled. Pause sets, everything like that.

1-2 excercise per body and its a fullbody too.
@bobo_mcpherson go through it . best of luck

if you feel fatigue . try adfding the rest pause training . worked well with mike mentzer

search sean nalewanj rest pause training. you will get the success one day.

leave this subreddit half of them love sucking arnolds dick

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