Can we have another L/V/I-Sit/Manna challenge month like this one ?


New member
I'm talking about that post :

Looks super motivational. Wish I knew about the subreddit during those days (wasn't working out!🥲).

Plus I see the L-sit less and less discussed when I compare to the posts of that time, today the advanced guy don't really look at a I-Sit or a Manna but rather at One Arm Pull Ups and Planche Push Ups.

Which is totally fine, the "meta" has evolved has the BJJ guys would say haha 😆 . But let us resurrected the good ol' days and some L-sit/V-sit/Manna training.

You guys would be up for a 30 day challenge ? Mods what do you say ? Peace !
@khohanguc I'm up for it, been wanting to progress from L to V for several months but it's been sporadic and mostly taken a back seat to OACU & hand balancing.
@todosan Yeah me too, i'm pairing it with handstand work and it's a bit inconsistent. I'm hitting it once a week generally, twice if I'm lucky. A daily challenge would definitely help!
@khohanguc Yes. I work on L-sits on skill days, somewhat inconsistently. I've been doing the Antranik progressions and got a 3 second L-sit in December last year. I'd like to get 60 second L-sit this year.
@fromgenesistorevelation Ah! I'd gone from 15 seconds max to one minute on the single leg support L-sit. I'm currently working on tucked L-sit, 4x15 seconds. Perhaps I should just work on getting that up to 60 seconds this year and see where I'm at with L-sit then.

And thanks for the progression videos!
@janes Not really. I work 10mn on handstand and 10mn on L-sit before my workouts and I can do my strength training just fine. The other way around is quite impossible tho I've found
@joelle1 I've progressed to a 10s floor L-Sit and 15s on push-up bars. 60 sec sounds lot as antranik said but with a one month challenge may we could hit 30s ? Let's do it!
@khohanguc Oh, this would be awesome! Yes please!!

I've been working on L-sit/V-sit for a while, but my form needs work and it'd be wonderful to get tips and pointers from some of the knowledgeable and advanced folk here. It'd be especially fun to know we're all training for the same thing as a community. :)

My best L-sit was ~25s before I switched onto L+/V-sit progressions, and I can claim ~10s today for a V-sit with feet at chest height (still working on it, obviously!). Unfortunately that's on high parallettes only, and I can't replicate on the floor... so by some standards it doesn't count.

At any rate, I'd use a challenge like this to really work on core compression, and hopefully get some advice on strengthening my wrists.

So, yea, big upvotes! :)

[Edit to fix description of current progress.]
@anonymous88 That's still great compression strength! Congrats. On bars your butt is allowed to drop a bit lower so it helps. I can hold the L-sit 15s on push up bars vs 10s on the floor.

Let's go for the challenge !
@khohanguc Looong delay in replying from me (apologies!), but that's some great compression strength too man.

10s on the floor is no joke, so congrats on the hard work you've put in already!

It seems like an official challenge is a bit unlikely right now (and L/V-sit maybe isn't so fashionable at the moment, as you mention in the OP), but here's hoping we both keep working at it nonetheless. :)

Maybe if things change, and they do a challenge sometime in the future, we can compare progress to see where we've both got to by then!