Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

@lucie_tsao Yes 100% high rep sets are brutal and aren’t as good for strength development. It’s much more fun and mentally easier to squat with heavier load like 6 rep sets maximum. And you still get as much hypertrophy as another rep range. That said, like you said callisthenics also has very cool strength skills that are more about total body control than lifting weight. E.g. skinning the cat, human flag, etc.

I was into callisthenics but mentally it wasn’t worth it, I’d just dread working out so much, and I didn’t feel much stronger. My squat and bench barely increased after months of callisthenics. I did get decently bigger tho but progress was also slow. I prefer weights 1000%. Callisthenics is more of its own art/sport. If you’re into the movements and the freestyle or the static holds then do callisthenics. For strength/athletic development/bodybuilding then lifting weights combined with sprinting, plyometrics, and ballistics is much better

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