Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

@lucie_tsao No dispute with the evidence, its just the problem is, if you want hypertrophy, low load means high volume. High volume takes more time and, in my opinion, is way more boring. I know for myself that boredom is my #1 mental challenge in not just fitness but most areas of life where discipline is required. I realized some time ago that a lot of my habits and proclivities are centered on avoidance of boredom and repetition and monotony.

I would rather do an extremely difficult effort over a short period of time than an easier effort for an extended period of time.

But the reason why I do bodyweight is not for hypertrophy, its because I consider certain bodyweight exercises as fitness goals in and of themselves - I want to be able to do a lot of pull-ups not to get huge muscles, but because I think of the pull-up itself as an indicator of strength and fitness. And rather than do huge rep counts, I just progress to harder versions.

Also the gym is expensive and inconvenient with distance, crowds, equipment, etc.
@mitchilita My answer to the title question would simply be:

Yes, absolutely you can. But lifting weights is way easier and more effective for that. I also do callisthenics as a goal in itself, not to build muscle necessarily. I lift weights to build muscle.
@lucie_tsao The reason why it's harder for people is the knowledge required to train in this manner.

At the gym plug in reps + weight into a calculator and you get your optimal weight for an exercise. It's also easier to add fractional plates for progressive overload.

All of this is possible with changing of leverage or stimulus with bodyweight but it requires extra knowledge.
@lucie_tsao Hey so I do have access to the gym but I am a lazy bum.. so I am doing body weight fitness right now which is very easy to start doing… for gym I have to get out of my house, change clothes, drive to the gym, etc… with bwf I can just get started whenever I am in the mood so I want to continue doing this right now…

But when this becomes a habit and I have better discipline than now… would it be better to go to the gym instead of doing body weights at home?
Another issue is that these high-rep sets to failure are going to be hard. I mean no one said it was going to be easy, but some of the sets are going to make you question your life choices, that’s for sure.

Goodness, that's so true. Sometimes I think people think low intensity = easy but when you make up for it with the reps, those sets can be worse (in terms of how they feel) than high intensity sets where you do them and then they're over sooner. 😂