Can you criticise my routine ?


New member
Hi r/beginnerfitness,

I’m about to start a workout routine at the gym after 2 months of working out from home with bodyweight and band exercises.

I saw online that the Push, Pull & Legs split was a good way to start and that’s what I did at home.

Can you give me your thoughts on my routine ?

I’m planning on lifting 3 times a week + some abs exercises, either through a class or sometime before or after my workouts.

Am I targeting the right muscle groups ? Am I forgetting anything or are there ways to create a more complete routine ?

Here’s what I have for now :


3 x 8 - Bench Press

3 x 8 - Shoulder Press

3 x 10 - Incline Press with dumbells

3 x 12 - Lateral raise with dumbells

3 x 10 - Triceps pushdown

3 x 10 - Overhead triceps extensions


3 x 8 - Bent over one arm row

3 x 8 - Pull up

3 x 12 - Dumbells shrug

3 x 12 - Cable face pulls

3 x 10 - Biceps Curl

3 x 10 - Hammer curl


3 x 10 - Squats

3 x 10 - Deadlifts

3 x 12 - Leg press

3 x 12 - Lying leg curl

3 x 12 - Leg extension

3 x 12 - Calf raise

Thank you !

EDIT : formatting
@surendra283 It seems good, if you want to change it up you can also go for full body 3 times a week, some people say its the most efficient way of training but you should do whatever you like best. Also search at YouTube for greg doucette exercises, he only has a few but he gives 3 best exercises and the 3 worst and it gives you some nice info on how to train and what works and what doesn't or has a high risk of injury.