Can you guys rate my 4 day program?


New member
I’m a martial artist (KB/MT/BJJ) and I made this program with functionality, power, and simplicity in mind (along with some aesthetic goals). I’d really appreciate any critique’s/suggestions on how I can streamline and improve it. I’m fairly new to kettlebells, but I’ve been in the gym for a while.

Note: all KB movements are double KB. Also the 1-5 rep range is for heavier weight while the 6-12 is for lower weight.


KB clean n press: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

KB swings: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

KB farmers walks: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

ball slams: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12


(DB) bench press: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

(DB)bent rows: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

(Supported) pull-ups: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12


KB power clean: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

KB snatches: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

KB face pull: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

Ball throws: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12


Squat: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

Dead lift: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

Straight leg: 2-3 set 1-5 rep followed by 2-3 set 6-12

Plyos- ball slams, jump squats, sprints, power pushups. AMRAP.
@ifelove007 There's a few issues.

I can see what you were aiming for with your 1-5 rep 6-12 rep approach, but not all exercises work like that. You can classify the kettlebell lifts into grinds and ballistics. Grinds work with the above, ballistics generally don't. They often work better with time based protocols like emom or specific work rest intervals, like 30:30 40:20 60:60. You certainly can try double snatching 1RM bells but if you lose control and concuss yourself, don't say you weren't warned.

So you may find it better to organise your training between what works better on a timed protocol and what works better as sets and reps. Slam Ball work and farmer carries also fall under the time category.

Next, exercise selection, there's a few I wouldn't do.

Deadlifts - I'd swap with single leg. The deadlift is most people's strongest lift. My 5RM with a barbell deadlift is 145kg and I don't consider myself particularly strong.

Face pulls - the line of resistance is hard to get right with Kettlebells. Ring face pulls are fantastic though. Ring inverted rows can also be used to target the back. Mace 360s or club shield casts also have a lot of the rotator cuff benefits of face pulls.
@ifelove007 Looks fine but your rep ranges for some movements are very weird. KB swings or favepulls for a 1RM?

I also think doing an U/L split or 3x full body would be simpler/ better given your schedule.
@ifelove007 It's a lot considering you're martial arts training as well. Another option is structure a higher rep day and a strength day and a full body. There's a 101 days to cut it