Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?

@wishwish55 It might not be optimal conditions but you'll still make gains. Don't let being a perfectionist convince you into thinking it's not worth it.

For your sleep issues have you tried a sleepmask and/or ear plugs?
@wishwish55 I only sleep 6 or fewer hours a night but that used to be a lot less. Regardless, I've had plenty of gains and have exceeded all goals. Maybe, I would have been more successful with more sleep but I wouldn't use a lack of sleep as an excuse not to keep going. Ironically, it just gives you more time in which you can work out. Check Amazon for sleep masks with Bluetooth earphones. These changed my life. Can play soothing music or podcasts when my mind is racing, without disrupting my wife's sleep.
@wishwish55 As a beginner? Yes. You will easily reach a 100 Kg with consistent exercise and a good diet in a year or less without more than 6-7 hours of sleep per day.

But you will also get chubby and your muscle will be harder to heal after that point. So you should not actually neglect sleep for the sake of working out.
@wishwish55 You can still make gains on 6 hours of sleep

Will they come as quickly as if you had enough sleep? Probably not

Will you make more progress than if you do nothing? Definitely

Will it matter in the long run? No
@wishwish55 You will make more gains doing something than doing absolutely nothing, regardless of sleep amount or quality. You may need to scale back your volume or intensity if you’re not recovering due to lack of sleep. You’ll get no gains from doing nothing with sub optimal sleep or you’ll get sub optimal gains from doing something with sub optimal
@wishwish55 the difference in muscle growth between 8 and 6 hours are noticeable in my personal experience it's like you get more from less

i'm also a really light sleeper(i wake up if someone exists too loud) so to make up for it i've trained myself to go back to sleep when there's too much noise

it'll make up for the difference

and in case you're wondering how i manage to go back to sleep when i'm literally wide awake right after being woken up. I basically relax and try not to react to the stimuli around. After 20 minutes i find i'm asleep again
@wishwish55 Coach pain always said not to rush the process, trust the process. I listen to motivational speeches for my workouts and they push me to do more. It doesn't come over night.
@wishwish55 Find some earplugs for sleep no? Or maybe get headphones that go around your ear. There is always something you can do. Bribe your siblings, tell them that you want to be big and strong and that you need your rest or something.
@wishwish55 Listen to your body in terms of how much sleep you need. If you’re tired sleep more and figure out a way to achieve that such as afternoon nap, ear plugs or going to bed earlier. Irrespective of going to the gym you will degrade your body in the long term by not sleeping enough so make sure you get it!
@wishwish55 Getting 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner can allow for some fitness gains, but it's not ideal. Aim for 7-9 hours for optimal progress. Quality sleep is crucial for muscle recovery, hormone production, energy, and overall health. To maximize gains, establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensure a comfortable sleep environment. For more tips, my site