Cheaper alternatives to B-bars?


New member
I've heard these are quite good (, but honestly I feel like I'm missing something, because they seem very expensive for what is essential a couple of metal bars. Can anyone recommend any cheaper (but still viable) alternatives? Or are these really the best option for me (should note that I'm a beginner when it comes to this stuff)

This second paragraph is just me rambling so I don't get caught off by the autofilter, so yeah um hm looking for something cheap but still pretty good, any suggestions, ideas or general advice are all appreciated. Filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text
@vivann I recently did a deep dive looking at various options. While the b bars are more stable, they’re costly and I have a small space.

I went with parallel dip bars as they’re so easy to move/transport and I picked this model based on reviews, how much weight they hold, and that they go higher than any other of this style I could find. I am 6’9 with long arms and they are tall enough for me to do rows, dips, and L- sits. They are very stable and I’m happy with the purchase. I also threw on some cheap angles grip copy cat so I could pull with full range of motion. They sort of tuck into each other for easy storage and they also have push-up handles on each one.

Note : the orange is a newer model and goes higher than the red one
@tbuy I love them. I still use them daily for dips, rows, elevating the hands for pushups and pike pushups. I am super tall so even in an L sit pull-ups would be tricky but they are definitely sturdy enough for that, saw someone doing them on those exact bars in a YouTube review when I was about to buy them. They’re super solid a year later even when left outside in the rain and snow in Colorado at 8000 ft in the mountains.
@jeepdude I went ahead and bought a set of parallel bars from Amazon off your initial review, solid pick up so far. I’ve been doing dips and rows so far, already noticing the difference doing them. Working up to L sit pull-up’s.
@vivann There are cheaper alternatives. I personally like the ones from Baseblocks. Might be costly but it's well worth it if you value quality
@vivann There are cheaper dip bars out there like these (I got them for Christmas and am very happy with them) but whether or not they would be a suitable alternative for you depends on what you want to use them for. I didn't want them for any exercise where I need bars taller than 35 inches, if I wanted to do things where I was hanging down beneath the bars with my torso upright I would need something a lot taller.
@vivann Not the same 100% and requires more skill but if you are already good at controlling your own body weight and have a pull up bar you could get gymnastic rings plus it opens up way more skill opportunity's and that's only for 25$ish. You can always wait and go to a calisthenics park till you build up strength or till it becomes more doable investy money wise.