Chest and back


New member
Chest and back exercises

I have been trying to build muscle for a few months now and it’s going well…. I have learned and correct me if I am wrong but best is lift as much weight as u can to failure so if I’m aiming for 10 reps a set I can only do 7 or 8 at my highest weight and when I reach 10 I know it’s time to increase weight… this has been effective for triceps biceps legs abs….

But when it comes to chest and back seems this go to failure on chest or back I have had soreness in ribs Spine etc… I am a pretty skinny frame not much muscle in chest and back… I am thinking I better to go less weight more reps until I have more muscle to push my chest and back

Any feedback back would be great
@okami Smith machine limits range. You can still do them (hopefully twice a week) but swap out one day for pushups. It's ok to shoot for 8 reps and increase the weight once 8x3 seems solid.
@okami So usually, you would like to design a program like this

Week 1
Maybe 3-4 sets per muscle group RPE 7

Week 2
Maybe 6-8 sets per muscle group RPE 7

Week 3
Maybe 10-12 even all the way to 16 sets per muscle group RPE 7

Week 4
Keep sets same as week 3 but increase to RPE 8

Week 5
Keep sets same as week 3 but increase to RPE 9

Week 6
Deload, go back to 3-4 sets per muscle group RPE 5-6

Now Im all about Mike mentzer style training, I found what worked best for me was following that same basic approach of adding sets for weeks 1-3 but deloading week 4

So week 1
Everything to failure

Week 2
Add sets everything to failure

Week 3
Add sets everything to failure

Week 4
Deload, same sets as week 1 but everything RPE 5-6