Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

@mva0802 I've been using a naturally increasing weight for the past 4 years when I do push-ups. Every day it gets a little heavier and bulkier but the upside is after the 2nd year it's more stable. It's the same equipment I use for skull crushers and curls at home. I'm not looking forward to adding another 22 lbs in two months but I can't see a way around it as he already tries to climb on me like the other one but he can't stand up yet.
@thomaslowrens I thought this was a body weight exercise subreddit? What's the point of doing body weight exercises if the only true progression is to add weight eventually? Like a Raw Food subreddit where the progression in culinary skill leads you to just cooking your food.
@dawn16 Weighted calisthenics are a very valid way of progression, we are not elitist here and are free to use any tool available if it's efficient.

The advantage here is easier gradual progress compared to learning new variations to make the leverage harder.

It's just one of the possibilities to increase intensity, there are many requiring just the floor, for example gradually leaning more in pseudo-planche pushups.

You can still make very good gains with just rings or a bar and the floor, especially in the upper body. Not as easy for legs though.