Chest pain from drinking whey/pea protein shakes…


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Chest pain from whey and pea protein shakes

I’m a smaller frame guy (22 years old, 5’9 and a half, 148Ibs). I’ve buying mass gainer powder to put in shakes. Since consuming, I’m having a bad pain in my chest area for days at a time. At first I thought that I might be allergic to whey protein so then I switched to pea protein. I then have the same bad chest pain when I drink that too. That’s the only time in my life where I’ve had chest pains ever from drinking something. Do you guys know what’s wrong and have y’all experienced the same? Not only that, but are there whey/pea protein free mass gainers that I could use as a substitute? Also, any tips to gain weight outside of that? I work at UPS and drink a lot of fluids because I sweat it out more times than not. I want a goal weight of maybe 160ibs but from muscle. I just need more calories but it’s hard getting that much (around 3600 calories) without dirty bulking from fast food everyday.
@natanyah Are you drinking it too fast? Try sipping it over an hour and see if that helps.

Re putting on weight, you don't need to eat 3600 calories a day to get there, you can eat less than that and still get to your goal weight, it will just take longer.
@natanyah There are vegan protein shakes. I think the best option is to make sure you don't mix with milk. Or you could eat eggs or peanut butter. There are lots of protein sources. If you're insistent on shakes, Orgain or Vega are good options. Mix with almond or coconut milk.
@natanyah Hey man, glad to hear your trying to eat well. You've probably had the thought yourself to not drink that stuff, probably a wise move.
How comes the 3600 target? You're training for something in particular or just bulking?

Try 2800 might be easier to hit that target in the circumstances you're in, I don't know 🤷

Look at prepped food suppliers
@ypjallday I did the caloric calculator to see how many to gain weight. Maybe that was to gain it quicker now that you bring it up🤔. Not trying to train for anything. Just trying to gain more weight consistently. I’ll try the 2800 goal for now. Thank you
@natanyah Fair, try consistency first. If it's anything to think about Im consuming about 1600-2000 consistently atm because Ive not got the need for all that energy that comes with more calories
@natanyah Try stopping the powder for 2-3 wks to see if it improves. I began having heart pain too. I never thought it was protein as I drink the pea protein never whey. But the pain seem to get worse. I mean deep achy to where I’m holding my chest. When I stopped taking it went away. It took awhile to figure out what it was so good you’re already noticing.

Also if you’re having heart you may want to go to doctor to check kidney/liver function. Mine went down low towards disease stage but when I stopped protein drinks it went back to normal. I haven’t figured out if it’s the brand or pollutants in the protein type or both but I eventually figured out it was the protein drinks and stop. I noticed I seem ok if I have once a week but can’t do every day due to the load it puts on my heart and organs. If it’s the protein and you don’t stop it will get worse. Keep us posted if you find out.
@sweetbibi12 same here. what are you going to do instead? i like to work out like 5-6 times a week and I'll be too sore to do that without a bunch of protein.. but i don't wanna have to just shove my mouth full of chicken constantly.