Competitors, Mayhem + HWPO Q


New member
I haven’t followed flagship HWPO. I HAVE followed CT, Mayhem, and HWPO Lift currently. I’ve been enjoying lift a lot! But I know I’m missing my gymnastics and general CrossFit metcons.

I thought about going to HWPO Flagship but with having to start at day 1, makes me ask “Wouldn’t that put me in the training philosophy of that time”, understanding that training trends, methodologies, and focuses change from year to year and month to month. We all know Boze is going to bring more gymnastics.

I know my focus needs to be Oly. It’s always been a weak spot.

I have all of my gymnastics, they just need to be conditioned after a 6 month hiatus.

My contemplation is following HWPO lift for my Oly and adding in Mayhem gymnastics/Metcons.

@mercy7able If you're an HWPO member you should have the Open Prep cycle. Lots of pieces focused just on gymnastics technique/conditioning.

Also, as for Flagship, you can start where you were after switching to Lift. Don't have to go back to Day 1.
@jobob_0 I haven’t done Flagship. I started HWPO with Lift. I have been following open prep. I’m also doing qualifiers for NCC. I like the combination I’m doing with the open prep and it’s why I came to the thought that I did with Mayhem.

*just saw that my original post said I had done flagship instead of saying I had not.
@mercy7able i'm a recent HWPO flagship subscriber (im at like day 90). i was at first a little bothered by the fact that everyone starts on the same day. but eventually i quite enjoyed going at my own pace. ive finished the first "cycle" and i can definitely tell my back and front squats have gotten stronger and my conditioning has upped.

that said, i would NOT recommend it for ppl who scale class WODs nor for ppl who dont have extensive OLY training.

altho mat is great at OLY, there is, like, zero coaching. and his intro videos (10-15mins each) rarely give scaling options, there are inconsistencies between the app and the video programming, and there are hardly ANY progressions programmed in. 3ish months in and finally today he had me do snatch balance. which is like a cornerstone of snatch work.

IMHO -- if you wanna get better at oly, hire a coach or hire an online coach who will critique videos you make.

the great thing about HWPO is these 40 EMOMs he has us do, and the 60min Zone 2 cardio work. everything else is totally accessible elsewhere.

tl;dr -- don't do HWPO for oly.
@blacklagoon That’s why I follow Lift and can say lift has been amazing. I’m in the top 10%. Usually cusp top 5%. Strength has always been my weakness and why I went to HWPO Lift. it’s just missing the other aspects.
@blacklagoon Honestly, for people who are scaling class WODs, they should just be doing class WODs and some side work, not competitive programming. If you can’t do a pull-up, what the fuck are you doing trying to complete 120min of HWPO?

HWPO definitely doesn’t address the needs of athletes who can’t Rx all movements, and there’s only volume development not really skill development. However, to say that there’s no coaching or scaling I feel is unfair. There is scaling - often there’s a % on a lift in a metcon that is a third option vs Rx, and the stimulus is discussed.

The first cycle doesn’t have an Olympic focus so there is minimal Olympic lifting - but I do agree there is less than I expected and I think my lifts have suffered. With that said, I’ve gotten stronger and fitter overall, and there’s already a lot of time in the program. The HWPO PRO programming has more weightlifting.

It’s my understanding (though I have no experience) that TTT offers more programs for people who want to address specific weaknesses (which is important). I do get the impression sometimes that HWPO has a bias towards things Mat needed to work on.
@chantelle1989g They have scaling options in the resource guide. Things like doing hand over hand sled pulls instead of rope climbs, etc... I did nearly 6 months of HWPO when it first came out... I am a scaled/intermediate athlete... Everything improved.
@mercy7able Good on you identifying a hole in your game, sad to hear mat isn’t including as much gymnastics as he should, that’s a major separator during the open. Just getting a single toes to bar is enough to move into the top 60%.
@mercy7able It sounds like you are interested in a few things. Building on strengths, working on weaknesses. Sometimes spending more time on one than the other.

I think there are two things that are most important when you are determining what to do or what to follow:
  1. being motivated to follow through and be consistent
  2. respecting recovery and what's strained
Therefore you should follow something that matches your exact interest today and knows what you are also doing elsewhere in your program to minimize overlap and fatigue.

I've heard great things about the HWPO, Linchpin, and Mayhem individual and general focused tracks.

If it sounds of interest to you, you could give Ardor a go. It was designed to do (1) and (2) above all else. You can decide just how much you want from each area of fitness and it will learn your ability, strength, and fitness within each. Nothing is preprogrammed. Bulids programs from the ground up based on what you want. For example, you could say "I mostly want to do Oly right now, some gymnastics, and keep doing regular metcons." You can even say what dates you are available.