Constantly feeling sleepy since I started working out more regularly


New member
Hi everyone! Title pretty much sums it up. F, in my 20s, 5'3", 146 lbs. I started regularly strength training in February. Been making progress I'm happy with in terms of strength and endurance. I've lost a little bit of weight, maybe 2 lbs since I started, since I don't do a big deficit and I eat at maintenance most days. I've noticed, though, that I seem to get sleepy more often. I thought it was just my body adjusting to the routine, but it's been over a month. I work out with a PT 3x a week. I also get my steps in almost daily. It varies day to day-- some days I get 5k or 7k, most days I get 10k, but there are also days where I would hit 20k. I enjoy walking and jogging, I commute half the week, and I go out a lot. I used to be ok with 6-8 hours of sleep, but ever since I started working out and getting more activity in general I started sleeping 8-9 hours on average, sometimes up to 10 hours (but not very often, just once-ish a week). And even so I would sometimes still get sleepy midday. Have any of you experienced this before? Is this just a consequence of being more active? Any and all input appreciated. Thanks!
@garretfut On days where I'm not very active, I eat somewhere between 1500-1700. On days where I'm more active (training days, high-step-count days), I eat practically at maintenance, around 1800-2300. I'm honestly not very strict with my intake. If I'm hungry, I eat, deficit be damned lol.
@maxman1180 I like that because I do that too lol.

I'd say the next marker would be hydration and electrolyte balance. You can up your water intake and add any basic electrolyte powder you find in a pharmacy post workout. It helps me a lot with exhaustion and migraine.

You might also just get a general bloodwork done to ensure you aren't deficient in anything.
@garretfut Yes making sure I was getting electrolytes really helped me when I made lifestyle changes this year, for headaches (especially in the early stages when my body was reacting to more activity, less sugar and sodium) and fatigue issues. Now that my body has adjusted to it all I have so much more energy
@godisgood2 Now that you mention it, this /could/ be one of the reasons. I used to get bloodwork done regularly and my RBC count was always at the low end of normal. My lips have been looking a little pale recently too. I might need to start taking iron supplements again. Thanks for pointing this out!! ❤️
@marker855 Iron gluconate is easier on the stomach. You can ask the pharmacy to order them from their secondary vendor for you. You can also try Slow Fe as well. For max absorption, you should take it with vit C. Hope this helps!
@godisgood2 This is a big one. My protein intake has always been high, but I am borderline anemic. Started taking a slow absorption iron supplement, and now I actually feel awake again.
@fabioeparra Only if your blood work indicates you are deficient somewhere. My blood work shows me as borderline anemic normally, and I dip into anemic levels during my period. This is pretty common among women, but you should verify it with blood work first. I don't know how much iron a multivitamin contains. Because they are for general use, they tend to overdose water soluble vitamins and give small quantities of fat soluble ones, so that they aren't killing people with vitamin overdoses. Iron very much is one of those minerals that you can overdose on, so I strongly recommend getting blood work done to confirm it is necessary first.
@godisgood2 This. Came here to say this. I take a gentle iron supplement that doesn’t blow my stomach up. I’m vegetarian and don’t get enough iron when I travel for work so I’m often borderline anemic without the supplement. Makes me feel really tired, especially at elevation.
@maxman1180 I’m 5’3 and 31 years old, for the past 3-4 years if I workout consistently (gym 3X/week + 10,000 steps per day) I get soooo sleepy too.

I make sure I get 7-8 hours of sleep, I eat whole foods, I could never figure this out either. I’m always yawning 🥱
@aj007 I’m 5’3 too and do about the same level of fitness and diet of Whole Foods and making sure I have electrolytes in my water and taking vitamins has really helped me with this issue.