Constantly Yawning during the workouts


New member
Age- 25
Weight- 75, H-5'11

My sleep, water intake is on point.
I follow PPL twice a week.
I also take creatine and on most days meet protein requirement of 1.5 grams per bodyweight.

But during every set and rest time, I find myself yawning heavily. And it feels the air is pretty hard to come out.

And its different from having a hard time catching my breath.
@gabechosen15 Black coffee ya pre workout le le bhai Depending on your budget Or eat some good carbs like 40 min before workout.

Could also be that you are in a calorie deficient.
@mombis I have never consumed Caffeine in my life and intend to do so so preworkouts/coffee is not an option.

Simple carbs like Banana or Rice I can include.

I mean my weight has stayed within the same range for 2-3 months so maybe I'm at maintainance where I'm loosing some fat but gaining some muscles.
@gabechosen15 Before my coffee phase , I used to eat 1 banana and a spoon of peanut butter 35 min before workout. Try it to see if it helps also chewing gum helps me in the gym but that could just be a placebo.
@grandma2 No preworkout, or no caffeine at all during the day.

And there is no fixed preworkout meal.

Most of the time I eat a small meal ( say 1.5 roti OR half a bowl of rice) some 45-60 mins before workout.

I dont actively focus on my breath. Never did. And it doesnt feel like an breathing in issue, more like breathing out issue.

Like something building up and is hard to get out, and takes 2-3 tries to get it out and then a sigh of relief.

And it builds up within the next 20 seconds again
@gabechosen15 I also yawn a lot during workout but not the build up problem like you mentioned. I do the workout mostly in the afternoon as it's convenient time for me and then eat lunch post workout. I generally feel drowsy in the afternoon. I have had protein milkshake before workout also but yawning still happens. So check what time of the day you workout.
@gabechosen15 Creatine can cause sleep issues. It changes sleep architecture in mice.

Take that info as you may.

-Used Creatine Mono for 2 years on and off and every time I quit my sleep improved drastically.
@constantine1946 Creatine has been shown to reduce deep sleep. I haven't come across any data about impact on REM sleep. The reduction of deep sleep though hasn't shown to have an impact on general health or cause sleepiness during waking hours. Creatine, as per latest research, is supposedly reducing the amount of deep sleep required, so I doubt creatine affects sleep negatively.
@ertwnc I just don't like the idea of altering my own sleep homeostasis, everyone reacts differently. (Genetics)

5+ years of research vs millions of years of evolution. Quite a stretch but yea I guess most people have 0 trouble with it.

Its just an anecdote, call it nocebo if you wish.

It raises SAMe, can cause issues for certain people.
@sweetkaka This could be a guess.

Since 3 weeks I am sleeping 4-5 hours at night and rest I'm completing by taking a Nap during the day.

So overall 6-8 hours are reached but in intervals.