Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

@deegee823 But if you need to jump to grab a ledge or bar you can barely reach, you'll be in a dead hang and the lack of training in that bottom range could mean you fail to pull yourself up or do it too slow and the zombies or mutants catch you and you die because your pullups were half reps.
@rdmarita That's a good motivation for good form. If you need to escape quickly then being able to do explosive muscle ups from a dead hang is good, if you just need to get over an obstacle with no time limits just being able to do a toes to bar so you can raise a leg and hook a heel to reduce the effort required.
@thomaslowrens Tom Cruise's jumping shoulder flag to climb a pole to free his hands in Mission Impossible: That one with the female co star who is just as good an agent as he is and who shows no romantic interest
@thomaslowrens I think it is possible but probably murder on the clavicle and shoulder. The way its cut makes me believe it was prolly not Tom Cruise doing the stunt but I have not found any info on that scene.