Core exercise video for someone VERY out of shape 😅 29 f


New member
Hi! I have been basically bed ridden for 2 years after having major stomach and intestinal surgery and then I got depressed and well, long story short, I just had a birthday and I'm ready to start working on myself bc I realized I had let myself go. I've always had a very weak core but after my stomach surgery it's a lot worse. Last time I checked, I can only do like 20 sit ups and I'm not even doing them correctly....

I decided to start with core bc i read it's the most important to keep strong n I'm having trouble with my posture and even getting up off the floor, and I read it can help with this sort of thing!

The problem is, most videos I type in on YouTube that say beginner, seem pretty advanced...... 😬 I don't know where to begin. Thanks
@livingontheedge Hey there! Not entirely sure if this is the best advice, but it's been a game-changer for me. I was really keen on making a change, so I took up walking. Starting with just a mile in the morning, I gradually upped my game. Now, I cover 1.7 miles in the morning and another 3.4 miles in the afternoon. After that, I hit up some simple machine exercises at my apartment complex gym. Keeping to this routine really got me into exercising, although it did leave me pretty sore initially.

You mentioned your interest in working on your core post-stomach surgery. Honestly, I think the most vital thing is to avoid injury. Starting off simple and tuning in to your body's cues can help you progress gradually, maybe starting with walking and then easing into exercises like sit-ups. If you pull something or challenge yourself too much it could make it harder to keep at it. On the flip side challenge yourself to little and you could get bored.
@livingontheedge Honestly, you probably would really benefit from pelvic floor therapy.

I know it sounds focused on the pelvis, but this is where a lot of core muscles are, and pelvic floor therapists help women whose core muscles have been destroyed by pregnancy. (That’s how I ended up there).
@livingontheedge Don't focus on your core, especially not using sit ups as the standard. Get a physical. Then get a balanced whole body training program. You can do yoga or pilates or just walking to start
@livingontheedge Whenever you're doing your bad form crunches that kill you, throw in some bad form reverse crunches and leg lifts or whatever they're called. Lol. I don't think I'm as outa shape as you, but thats only cuz I'm already been workin on my fatass for a handful of months already and reading your post had me thinkin "oh shit it's like my exact issue I had" lol. My core sucks. I've found of my sucky core my lower abs were weaker so even tho it hurts and I hate it and I can't do very many I'm forcing myself to do the exercises that my body needs most and the results are super noticeable super quick. Like you said, I can FEEL myself standing straighter and walking with more ease and less strain on my bod and joints. It takes time but you're kicking ass! Keep it up and hope this helps. 💪