COVID-19 Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update, Week 1 Kick-off

I am so pumped that so many of you have joined us in this challenge! Our collective gainz will be inspirational! Don't forget to take progress pictures today (if applicable, like for the ab challenge) and/or measure your relevant strength (for example write down how many push-ups you can do, etc) so that you have something to compare to in 30 days!

A few people have mentioned using Discord or something similar. If anyone would like to help me set something up like that to enable constant communication and accountability, please message me! Otherwise, we can talk about this in the daily xxfitness thread. There will also be a weekly post like this one every Monday.

I'm going to do Day 1 of abs during lunch. I'm so pumped y'all! Now, given the volume of people who joined in on this, I won't be able to personally encourage each and everyone one of you like I'd hoped. So please, please please gather up every good vibe you have and share them generously with everyone else in this challenge. Go forth and kick butt!

EDIT 2: original challenge post here:
@baohomotorprovn250932 Need a place to lock in my goals and that's why I'm here >: (
  1. alternating days of 50 min barre and 50 min yoga. doesn't matter what time of day, just get er done (starting tomorrow 3/19 lol)
  2. only eat when the food i want is on my favorite plate. i keep binging so this plate will keep me food conscious
  3. run for 50 min whenever my mom wants to walk the dogs. im too nervous to be out alone because i get paranoid
my school day is typically team practice sessions twice a day (45 min am workout and 1h30m afterschool choreography) and i was lifting for an hour 4 times a week. so nearly three hours of work a day. i haven't seen my team in person for four days now and im already feelin ???

yeah just my thoughts^^

but school is cancelled until may and our governor thinks that our schools are unlikely to reopen before summer break : //
@baohomotorprovn250932 I've joined in starting today!

My Goals:

1) I'm doing the Yoga with Adriene "Home" series, which seems really fitting. 30 days of yoga.

2) Running - 1 mile at least, 5x a week, with at least three 3+ mile runs. I was supposed to run a half marathon last Sunday, but of course it was canceled. I had a really hard time getting back into running when I found out last week, so today I signed up for the Star Wars Virtual Half. You need to run 13.1 miles by the 31st, and they don't all have to be together! This will definitely help me with motivation. Then I can keep it going after!

3) On non-running days, go for at least a 20 minute walk outside.
@baohomotorprovn250932 Thanks for doing this challenge! I started a day late so I just did day 2 of the Yoga with Adriene 30 Day Challenge today. Having this challenge is helping me make sure I actually keep active with all this time home.

Also, could you PM me the discord link? The one that's linked below no longer works :(
@baohomotorprovn250932 I think my Covid-19 goals are to continue my lifting. My boyfriend has a rack and dumbbells in the basement that I never use because I just massively prefer to go to the gym. But I think my goals are to use his gym and continue as normal. It's nothing crazy for a goal, but I'd like to look back on my workout calendar and have it look like I never missed a beat. And I'm going to add in some HIIT to complement the cut I just started.
@baohomotorprovn250932 a day late getting started but i'm in!

got a daily yoga practice already and commute by bike most every day. adding the push up and glute challenges from the original post as well as throwing in 7-minute work outs (downdog app fam) when i can at work. getting my running schedule back in gear too, ran a 3k today to get the ball rolling.

cheering for everyone here. we gonna crush some goals and keep our bodies and spirits strong.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I just did my day 1 and really like it! I went for a run/walk combo and then came home and did glutes, abs, and pushups. I did one full push-up! Haha and the rest on my knees. Still feeling good though!
@baohomotorprovn250932 Not doing the exact challenge you posted but wanted to post here for accountability :) I did two Blogilates videos today and forgot how much I loved them! Low weight high reps hasn't been my jam for a couple years but it's fun switching it up and I'm absolutely dying lol. For reference I did the 10-minute arm toner and anti-COVID abs (love the wordplay on her quarantine-inspired at-home workouts lol).
@baohomotorprovn250932 I just completed my day 1 of trying to do yoga (yoga w/Adrienne) !!! Who knew it would be so hard?? I really felt the table top and downward dog poses in my shoulders, is that normal? Anyways I’m going to try to stick with it and hopefully it’ll get easier 🙂
@baohomotorprovn250932 Thanks for posting this! I thought it started a couple days ago so I’m on day three of abs and yoga today!

I’ve also been doing C25K, although I’ve got a chronic illness, and realized that yoga and running in the same day is really hard on my body... So I guess I’ll just be doing whichever I’m in the mood for, while maintaining abs daily.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I live in Ottawa and my province of Ontario is in a state of emergency. Schools are closed for 3 weeks and all gyms (including my yoga studio) are closed. My husband and I are both working from home while trying to keep our 7 year old entertained too (that is actually the toughest part).

So far my fitness routine has been untouched. I usually go for a run 3 times a week (two 5k at lunch a 10k on Sundays) and practice power yoga the remaining 4 days. All that has changed now is that I practice yoga at home instead of going to my regular studio. Lucky for they offer us online classes as well. I do my lunch time runs now early in the morning while my daughter is still asleep.
@baohomotorprovn250932 I'll be working from home for the next one month as well. Kicked off on the challenge today with knee-pushups, ab and glute workout.

Tried to get back into yoga but didn't find my jam today. Hopefully tomorrow. Super pumped!
@baohomotorprovn250932 Thanks for the positive peer pressure.

23,000 steps today (Springtime gardening) and yoga.

While I have mini goals for weight and workout speeds/distances/lifts my purpose behind all of them is to be able to DO, I want my body to be able to do what I want to do when the opportunity presents itself.

So I’m home, let’s DO some shit and reevaluate my weaknesses after this time to have very dedicated Me Time.