@michaelfrancis https://rpstrength.com/training-volume-landmarks-muscle-growth/
here's the article. id probably oversimplify the hell out of the practical applicability of it as:
- stay in the volume range per movement pattern where you are getting a pump/soreness/disruption appropriate for how often you are training it and are getting reliable progressive overload
- if you are overrecovering, not getting much of an intuitive feeling of stimulus, add another set for the movement pattern like another set of split squats, and see how long you can do that til you hit a brick wall
- once you know how much work generally makes you hit this brick wall and how much work is barely enough you can either just try a happy medium of volume and chill and deload as needed or do the whole rp-style "start with an easy amount of sets and add more until you are close to your limits and deload and repeat.
- either are valid approaches and if you wanted to try a volume progression scheme that id watch mike's youtube videos on the rp channel, though the first approach of just finding your happy medium and chilling there most of the time and trying to progressively overload is completely fine and if you're progressing as you are and don't feel a need to dial in your volume needs for the last fraction of progress then you don't really need any of this at all