Crossfit Boxes in the UK


New member

I have a series I started on my yt channel checking out crossfit boxes around the world and I will be going to the uk the beginning of February. I will be flying into Glasgow and driving towards London.

Anyways, if you guys have some boxes you recommend let me know!

Also, maybe if anyone has any other box recommendations where I should go in the future!

This is a playlist to my series!

@francoisakafran If you give us a list of cities you’re planning to stop in you might get more useful responses.

Otherwise, people will just name their boxes because ya know we all love our own place.
@dayagri The thing is I didn't really have a ton of city's planned! haha A lot of my stops will be where there are boxes!

I guess Im looking for somewhere in Edinburgh, Leeds, something between those two cities and something in London
@francoisakafran Definitely checkout CrossFit Chester on the way, home of the Foxes. We have an awesome range of Sanctional through to beginner athletes and the box itself is pretty decent too, has much of an old school vibe to it 💪