2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 11: Sprint Sled Sprint

@muggins2116 Not really. She literally lifted the back of the sled up off the ground. The men just didn't have their arms straight (besides Noah) and were much closer to the sled while pushing.
@jonjones229 Sled sprints have always been events of controversy and I think that by Castro adding it again this year it’s a way to 1. troll 2. More importantly, make improvements to the event. Years ago they did the event on slick grass which impacted the lanes. Last year it was on turf but the huge fans blowing mist also impacted the lanes. I’m interested to see how they’ve put controls in place to remedy this...

Unfortunately when you’re doing events outside, it’s tough to control for weather (slick grass during the KB lunges / T2B event, in games past murph in a half shaded field, etc).
@ryananthony Last year at the games there was a sled BMU event. There was a massive discrepancy between the pace some of the athletes were able to move some fairly light sleds. A lot of the athletes complained that there was no way the sleds were equal and there was some research done (unsure who by off the top of my head - maybe WODscience?) that indicated there was some correlation between certain lanes and slower times. Dave Castro consistently called BS and there was never an obvious answer as to what actually happened.
@ryananthony Very true, although in his defence and as others have pointed out, there is usually a sled event of some sort!

I’m unsure if I want it to be fairer this year or not as I think the only way to stop Mat might be tampering with his sled ha ha