Crossfit Curious


New member
Hey y’all, been a S&C for a few years now, been strength training for 16+ years, currently 6’1”, 217, 13% bf ish (not my proudest physique rn lol). Was a bodybuilding bro turned wannabe powerlifter and have enjoyed implementing aspects of CrossFit into my conditioning work. Question is, for any of y’all had the experience of training like me and switched to CrossFit that can tell me I won’t shrink into a tiny boy body if I jump on board? I have limited time to train and certainly don’t want to lose my shape. Sorry if that was long winded I just have yet to meet anyone who fits the same experiences as me. Also I’m dog shit at OLY although I do have a relatively good understanding of the mechanics, it’s putting into practice for me 😂
@faith79 No, on the contrary you will gain more strength and lose more fat, muscle will be maintained, maybe you will lose a little if you do not maintain a consistent diet as in any other sport.

It is a sport where strength and endurance are prioritized, it is not like running that is only endurance.
@dawn16 My point that I think was lost in my rambling was that hypertrophy is often not emphasized. The jacked elite CFers were likely all collegiate or professional athletes prior to CF, or have enough spare time to perform accessory hypertophy work.

I think my thing is I kinda don’t care to be good Al OLY but enjoy the competition, comraderie, and not having to program for myself anymore. Current lifts are 350 bench, 585 deadlift, 405 squat. Prob can’t snatch >30 lbs without shit form lol.
@faith79 I understood what you said, but they are not looking for hypertrophy, they gain muscle it with everything they train. Not for nothing do they lift more than 200kg squat or a 150kg clean.
@faith79 I am a former powerlifter and was also initially concerned with losing size. I’ve never been real big, but always had to work to gain any type of size. I competed around 178-180 and now maintain around 173-175 with a more favorable body composition.

I don’t do any targeted hypertrophy, but do have to be very on top of my calories to keep weight on.
@lovingjesusalltheway My bad NSCA- certified strength and conditioning coach. Usually just referred to as a CSCS. Basically all things sport and how to program specifically for an individual’s needs in their position within their sport. No aspect of CrossFit programming is included in that.
@faith79 Just eat more food. CrossFit is a performance sport.

Can you clarify on what you mean by limited time? As in days per week, time in a day (only able to do class and not extra work)? Or both?

Honestly you've been training for more than 16 years you should also be able to figure out what little bodybuilding accuracy work you can do in spare time 1 or 2 days a week.
@gittense54 No doubt I agree regarding knowing what movements would require additional work. I can really only spare 1-1.5 hours 4-5x per week so it will be tough if a gym doesn’t include accessories in the programming.
@faith79 Sorry I meant bodybuilding accessory not accuracy. I've been training for less than 6 years and I could figure out what to do in 30 minutes self programmed bodybuilding. Someone like you can easily figure out what to do in 30 minutes of spare time in your sleep. Honestly if bodybuilding matters I'd take time off to do a cycle. It's what many games athletes do to fix imbalances and just take it easy for a bit. Ultimately it will boil down to you eating more food.
@faith79 Just eat at maintenance or above and you’ll be fine. Track your weight and body fat month to month and adjust accordingly.

Remember it’s just calories in calories out, doesn’t matter what sport your participating in
@faith79 Honestly, you should probably stick with lifting. Since you’re already strong, regular CrossFit gym programming will actually hinder you (e.g., you’ll only do 3-5 strength lifts before a wod in most standard gyms in a given week). The conditioning and camaraderie is great, but it’ll be much harder to get stronger for intermediate and advanced lifters.