D.O.M.S for a week now


New member
Hello brothers and sisters of bwf. My name is Edward, I am 29 years old. I have been doing the 2017 recommended routine now for a couple of months now(prefer the old coz it's much more simple for me), and I am at the L-sit pull ups now. And for dips I am now past the L-sit ring dips, I am on bulgarian L sit ring dips (made the choice of this progression on my own). My question now is that it is almost a week now and I still have DOMS in terms of doing the pull ups. Pushing exercises are no problem for me, but my lats feel that they are still not fully recovered. I only workout 3 times a week and try to do good form. I also do some yoga on off days but not consistently. I can lift my hands up and no problems with stretching and/or moving my arms around my body.

My question is could this be an injury? I have not worked out properly this week coz i don't want to get injured. I am resting a lot and doing stretches and cardio to get rid of lactic acid but still nothing
@cross_product It doesn't sound like an injury, but I'm not a doctor.

Assuming that it's not...

Based on purely what's given here it sounds like you could benefit from a taper that lasts 1-2 weeks.

Generally speaking, I'd keep the same exercises your doing now but lower the volume by 50-80% for a week or two. Sure, it sounds like a lot. Because it is. And this can be hard to do because it's so easy. But if you want to be in this for decades to come - a two week period of taking it easy is not just doable, but necessary.

I'm rambling a bit, but I feel it's an often overlooked concept.

Best of luck!
@jep8 Thanks man for the solid advice. Yes it is terrifying to think of lowering my volume, but you're right I am in it for the long run. Hopefully my pull ups will be back soon. Cheers
@cross_product When I started I used to have 1 week doms or even 1 and a half.
Just keep training and with doms, the next day you will see you have less or almost no doms.

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