Was curious on some feedback for a cutting phase - I ate this yesterday and I felt great and leaned down this am. The chicken breast, if not overcooked, was very tasty and I didn’t feel like I need any sides. Looking for any feedback on Macro mix and overall if this is a good approach to adhere to.

Breakfast - fast
Lunch - 4 oz ground turkey - two eggs - one cup brown rice (1 min rice) - jalapeños
Snack - Oreo Qwest Bar
Dinner - 1 lb chicken breast w garlic salt / spices
Dessert - 3 x 50 cal keto chocolates
Drink - glass of sauv blanc

Weight: 212 (17.5% bf)
Total cals: 1664
Satiation: 10/10
Steps: 8800
Workout: 1.5 hrs
Macros: 62 carbs (14%), 92 fat (46%), 180g (40%) protein
@galatians220lyric This is a poor diet. Not enough foods to fill your micronutrient needs.

And how are you getting in 90g of fat? The sources of food you list don’t get you anywhere near 90g, unless you’re cooking in some kind of oil/butter that you haven’t listed.

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