Dating while being petite and overweight

@jodi1028 When I was single after my divorce, I discovered that even though I was chubby, if I exuded confidence then I could get pretty much any guy I wanted. Honestly, I pretended to be confident and it worked.

Maybe it doesn’t feel like your bad bitch is ready to come out, maybe you only feel like an OK Bitch, but if you harness that BB that’s inside, you’ll do just fine.
@jodi1028 Remember, men are as nervous as we women are. If you can be outer directed, you'll be so attractive. Also, there are men who like a tummy to hug while spooning, or chubby cheeks, and healthy appetite while dining out together. You will be fine, girlfriend. Go out and have fun. Tell us how you go. Either way, we'll congratulate you or cheer you up. 🫶🫶
@monday It's a notion coined by Robert Greene. So, for example, when you're with a date, if your focus is to pay attention to what your date is saying, gestures, and you find his needs, you can hit that spot. Instead of worrying inwards as to how's my hair? Does he like my outfit? Am I funny? Am I attractive? Maybe it's best to YouTube him. He gives great tips.
@jodi1028 If your photos are close to what you look like in person then you have nothing to worry about. And if they’re not and you look even better in person omg! Thats even better! I met a guy that looked kinda not that great in his photos but when I met him in person he looked like a model.
Just go and have fun its always good to meet new people.
@jodi1028 Not dating (I’m married) but girl you got this. First of all, he’s seen your pictures so assuming they’re recent and representative of you, he’s attracted. Just because he’s a 6 foot tall white guy doesn’t make him a Demi-god !

My advice is to find an outfit that you feel confident in - in my experience that makes all the difference. If I’m in something ill fitting/too tight in the wrong areas then I feel like garbage. But those moments I find something that snatches me in all the right places then I feel sexy and I don’t feel self conscious about my weight.

You’re going to do great!
@jodi1028 GIRL!!!! do not cancel the date!!! you’re a bad bitch!!! fake it till you make it!! there is nothing more attractive than a woman who’s working on herself to feel strong, confident and powerful! you deserve to feel AMAZING and date a hot ass guy!!!
@jodi1028 Don’t sweat it & go have fun!

Men never gave/give a shit about my weight and I’ve ranged 160-190 at 5’2. I can keep up with my active partner (and people I dated) better than any of my partner’s friend’s thin wives. Weight doesn’t equal fitness level.

Confidence is key! Remember, he swiped on you too. Also, hold yourself to high standards. Don’t be afraid to walk away if it isn’t a good fit!
@jodi1028 I honestly didn't have that much trouble dating when I was very obese and at my heaviest which was 250+lbs and I'm only 5ft.

Like there was the occasional bad interaction but plenty of my skinny friends also had bad experiences and some men just are on those apps to insult women.

I'm now 145lb.

I will say dating has gotten a bit weird since covid. Dating apps are not what they were like 10 years ago. I'm also in my 30s so dating is just different than in your 20s.

As long as you have up to date pictures, there shouldn't be a problem.

There is no "out of your league". We don't have a number score on our existence. What is attractive to one person is unattractive to another. This guy probably finds you attractive.

As a married woman, I have been a bit worried about my husband and how much I've changed in the last decade. But he's thrilled that I'm happy. The only real comment is he thinks short hair fits my face better now than if I had long hair.

(I do tend to hang out in non monogamous spaces, and I do recognize that traditional monogamy dating is a very different vibe)
@jodi1028 Don't cancel omg!!!!!!

I'm 5'2 but your goal weight and I still sometimes feel insecure but it's OKAY! If they don't want to date you because of your weight, that's entirely on them!! You want to be with someone who wants you for you at whatever stage! Give him the benefit of the doubt of being a regular human that truly doesn't care if someone is a ~little overweight~!!

I go to an AYCE sushi place for many first dates to establish food dominance now - "watch me eat 40 pieces of sushi in one go fckin dare you to not be impressed by that!" just as a fun anecdote