[DEXA] 24F, 5’9”, 140.5 lbs., 28.2% BF


New member
Hi everyone! I got my first DEXA scan this past Saturday and wanted to share with you all! Most of the DEXA posts I have seen are from people who have quite a low body fat (like 30%), so I think my post could be a helpful contribution for those who are somewhere in between!

DEXA Results:

Total body fat: 28.2%

Arms: 28.2%

Legs: 31.0%

Trunk: 27.0%


Since January 2018, I have lost about 53 pounds using calorie counting and exercise (shout out to /r/loseit and the Daily Accountability Challenge). Currently I am 0.9 pounds from my goal weight and am eating around 1500-1700 calories per day. During most my weight loss, I generally did cardio (lots of walking, bike riding) and incorporated some body weight fitness stuff on and off (mainly planks, push-ups, sit-ups, glute bridges, squats). As I have reached the final few pounds, I have gradually started incorporating actual lifting into my routine after joining a gym last month. Loving it so far!

Weight Loss/ Progress Pictures:

From January 5, 2018 to October 1, 2018 (NSFW):
From the morning of the DEXA scan (NSFW; apologies for the dirty mirror):
Measurements from the morning of the DEXA:

Waist: 27.0 in.

Hips (where my pants sit): 35.5 in.

Around thighs: 38.0 in.

Thighs: 22-22.5 in. each

Calves: 15-15.3 in. each

Biceps: 9.5 in. each

Triceps: 10.5 in. each

Next Steps:
  • Started the GZCLP lifting program this week! I hope to continue this program for at least 12 weeks and then go from there.
  • Once I hit my goal weight of 137.5 lbs, I will start eating at maintenance calories, which I estimate to be about 2100 based on my TDEE spreadsheet.
  • Ultimately I would like to recomp and my goal for my next DEXA (maybe 6 months?) is to have lower body fat and to maintain my weight between 135-143.
@hoganwynne Great work! It will be interesting to see how your body changes as you recomposes over time! You look fantastic.

For a second I thought your thigh measurements were for 1 thigh, and I was like 27 inch waist and a 38 inch thigh? 😱 but then I realized you meant both. xD
@dawn16 Hahaha oh my God that would be insane! Thankfully not! I threw that in there cause when most people measure hips I have heard they measure the biggest area around there whether it goes around butt or thighs, but I like to measure my actual hips.

Though I can say when I started, each thigh was 27 inches so I sometimes still think it is crazy that my waist now is what one thigh used to be!

And thanks, I can't wait to see how it changes either!
@hoganwynne Congrats on the progress! You look great and I hope you love GZCLP!

But please don't assume that people with BF% over 30 are just starting out. People have different starting points, obstacles, and goals. I realize you didn't necessarily mean anything by it, but just something to consider.
@hoganwynne This is a really great post! Congrats on your progress, you look amazing. I've been considering getting a dexa scan... Would love to see the difference between an actual scan vs my scale BF% measurement.
@yesus Oh that is something I forgot to add above, mine is ridiculously off! Just this morning it said 20.5% which is so inaccurate. And thanks so much!
@hoganwynne Oh wow! Mine says my BF% is around 30%, and I have been working on increasing my fitness, so I think it'd be great to get an accurate measurement (even if it's worse than what my scale says!)
@yesus I dunno what's up with mine haha. And I agree completely, I love data and having an accurate measurement (and way to measure progress now that I am almost to goal weight) is super awesome!
@hoganwynne Congrats on your great progress! You really look fantastic.

Don't be surprised if the scale goes sideways on you for a while. I think you're going to see your body rearrange itself quite a bit as you get used to weightlifting. Keep in mind that smaller may be heavier and that's totally okay.