Dexa Results: 29 | 6'1"| 170lbs | 35.5% BF

@demetria Yay! Omg finally someone close to my height and weight! 6'2, currently at 160, trying to bulk to 170. Maybe my body fat is higher but you genuinely look a bit less than 35; I'd actually say 30 max...but I guess DEXA knows better than me?

That said, I have those moments where I wonder about 170 might look like, and y'know what--170 looks awesome, even at "35% bodyfat"

That said I don't know if you need to cut weight so much as you need to recomp. Cutting to reduce body fat without actively building muscle will be quite difficult as your BMI isn't super high and your calories are already quite low (for context I eat between 2500-3000 calories for maintenance). I'd actually up weight training to build more muscle.
@itiswellwithmysoul78 Yay for tall girls! I think I have a pretty small frame. I was naturally thin in high school weighing 135-140 and about 4 years ago I was running a lot and got back down to 145. My biggest issue seems to be a lack of muscle mass: when you touch me it becomes apparent that there's very little muscle under there.

This is my first time attempting a lifting routine so hopefully I'm on the right track with this strategy.
@demetria Okay double yay!!! Samesies. For much of high school up until about 22 I was 135/140 and still super tall. Ran a lot. Did yoga a lot. Started weight training. Joined crossfit in my mid 20's and I was hooked. Built up a lot of muscle mass really quick.

that said, while crossfit was my intro to really lifting, I think it was a game changer for me in terms of body comp. Went from just skinny with always wide hips and visible sternum, so suddenly I have shoulders and triceps and back muscles and abs and glutes and quads.
@demetria Your current plan seems good. Recomp progress is very slow so you can't see any changes in 3 weeks. Since your lean mass is low I think recomping is a good idea. I wouldn't be too optimistic about cutting and making lean gains since many people lose a bit of lean mass on cuts and its ideal to just maintain it.
@demetria Wow, I'm honestly shocked you're at 35% as well. I know people say that a lot on this sub, but I really mean it. Your core looks solid from the side and you look like you have some decent lower body muscle as well. Weird! I wonder if your height is throwing the visual estimation off?

At your size, I don't think dipping below 1700 is a good idea at all. That would be quite a large deficit assuming you're not totally sedentary. 3 weeks isn't a long time to see results...please, be patient! :) Recomping takes time, and if you're going about it in a sustainable manner, the scale might stay the same for long periods.
@xkyd Completely agreed. She looks great. Maybe it's because she carries more around the thighs/hips and not the belly. I have some thighs and other trouble spots but I'm mostly belly; I'd guess I'm around this body fat or a bit lower and OP looks better than me lol But also, I'm 5'2". My bf's sister looks like a model and has the same measurements as me for hips/waist/bust but is 5'10", while I'm looking like a chubby 14 year old here.
@xkyd I think my height and my boobs both throw off the visuals; my core has some definition but I can barely hold a plank for 30 seconds.

Logically I know that going below 1700 is a bad idea but all that extra BF has me questioning everything.