DEXA Results: 21F, 5'4", 137.7 lbs, 26.7% BF


New member
Hi all,

Just wanted to share my DEXA results. This is my first time doing a scan.

  • Waist: 27 in
  • Hips: 38 in
  • Thighs: 22 in
  • Biceps: 11.5 in
  • Lifting for 3 years
  • Had a bunionectomy (on and off at gym)
  • Gained 10 lbs since I started lifting
  • Always carried more fat in the upper body/abdomen region :(
  • Looking to drop around to 22% BF

Diet has always been a struggle for me since I have hypothyroidism. But anyways, I unintentionally bulked the past 3 years due to college lol. During that time, I was eating around 1700 calories (~115 g protein). However, now I'm targeting around 1400 calories w/same amount of protein. Breakfast is always one greek yogurt. Lunch is now chicken breast w/veggies. Dinner is salmon or tilapia w/veggies. And the remaining calories I snack on string cheese, pork rinds, or sometimes ice cream if it fits lol.

Exercise wise, I was doing a modified PPL 6 days a week where I did 5/3/1 for the main lifts. However, 8 weeks ago I started a cutting program (Kizen Training - Advanced Fat Loss) which is based on my 1RM for squat, deadlift, and bench. I also started to incorporate cardio (25 - 45 min of incline treadmill).

  • Squat: 245 lbs
  • Deadlift: 315 lbs
  • Bench: 130 lbs :(
@mindforchristmomof3 Hey! So bunions are hereditary from my dad's side. All of us had a bunionectomy 2 years ago and I was the first one to get it lol. My bunion wasn't bad, but I got the procedure done because after walking for maybe 10 min straight, I would get a sharp pain where the bunion was. My experience wasn't the best since my foot got a little wonky after the procedure/recovery. I had crutches/boot on for about 2 months. I was bedridden for the first couple of weeks, and then I started going to the gym w/boot and crutches to do some upper body work. Once I got the stitches out and was able to walk, I had to basically restart my progress leg-wise. Now here is where the wonkiness comes in. I had two screws inserted into my foot to keep everything in place. However, when I would try to bend my big toe all the way, it would hurt a lot. Or, if someone would hit my toe, I would literally start crying lol. My podiatrist thought that the screws might have been the problem, so he took one out to see if that would fix the problem. That made me take an extra 2 weeks off from the gym. This didn't fix the problem, so he took out the other screw as well. Again, another 2 weeks off from the gym. And that didn't fix the problem either. So now I'm just kinda dealing with it and not bending my big toe so far back. All in all, my foot is better now than before. BUT, my dad and sister don't have this problem at all so I think I just got unlucky lol.
@waelawad Thanks for sharing! Mostly unrelated but can I ask what your experience with the bunionectomy was like? I've been trying to avoid doing it myself but I'm only 22 and the pain is already becoming significant depending on the weather... I'm a powerlifter so I'm mostly concerned about not being able to lift or be on my feet at all since I do a lot of walking.
@benaz1 So I had the procedure done 2 summers ago. I believe I was on crutches for about 2 months, so my left calf atrophied a lot. I had a boot on, so about 3 weeks after the procedure, I went to the gym on my crutches to do upper body like bench. This was 1 year after I started lifting, so I basically had to restart my whole progress once I could start walking again.
@waelawad My measurements are pretty close to yours though my height and weight are slightly different. My last bodpod had me around 29%, and I've lost since then, so I'm guessing that puts me close to the same body fat percent at this point.

You look great! 22% shouldn't be out of reach!
@kwburton Thanks!! I’m pretty sure I’m quad dominant lol. Hammies are super hard for me to grow. I’ll post info on my diet/workout when I get back home in a few hours :)
@waelawad Dang Gina!! Those quads! You look great! Totally get it with the family part. My siblings are all in great shape, when I was at my best I looked close to you, 5'6 140lbs. But I was still the biggest. But, unlike you, a lot of my fat is held in hips/theigh, and bust, so I have to wear size 12-14 which makes me look closer to 200. I can't believe how little fat you have in your hips/thieghs, that's insane. I'm jealous, I bet you can fit in like size 4 clothes.