DEXA scan results 28/F/5'6.5''/135

@dawn16 Im no expert but I really dont see how you could be 27.5%... You look way lower to me. I do think, the fact that I have little tiny boobs kind of makes mine skew lower... Looks like you might not have that problem lol!
@coconutprincess Haha thanks. I thought I was a bit lower, around 24%, which is what I was always told, so it's interesting to get others opinions. The boobs definitely play into it :D That's what my friends are saying, it's all boobs, but I do definitely have fat in the hips/thighs.
I'm actually 27.5. I was a bit surprised, which is why I'm posting here....DEXA doesn't lie, I don't think.
These things are all over the place.
A couple months ago I posted a discrepancy between bodpod and calipers (18% vs 32%).
Did some cursory research and calipers are most (only) accurate for white men 18-60. I'm a west African woman, so I'm probably not th best candidate for that method.
I've never had a dexa scan and have no idea where to get one.
But, every technology has its faults and outliers. You look great, fuck what the machine says.
Thank you for the compliment. I've never read anything about inaccuracy of DEXA so if you have anything on hand you can link me to, I'd be most appreciative. I will also do more research.
@coconutprincess Thank for posting! I hope your results are correct! I'm the same height as you, I guess it might help me to estimate my BF %

Just bought calipers, but still can't figure out how to use correctly, and if they are showing the right numbers...
@coconutprincess We are pretty much the exact same stats, I'm 5'6 about 135 too and by hydrostatic measuring I'm about 16%. I think your results look pretty accurate- you look pretty similar to me as far as leanness goes, and you clearly have some muscle.