Diet Q


New member
Is it healthy to eat unprocessed ground beef daily? I’ve heard many people say/ read articles about how it causes heart disease, but I’ve also seen articles where science has overturned that belief. I track food/ eat 1300-1400 calories a day and see no change. I think a no carb/ no sugar diet would be good, but I don’t want it to harm my health. Help!
@neahkahnie I eat 7% fat grass fed organic ground beef frequently. My blood lipids are perfect. To each their own. I would not go no carb. I suggest you do some reading on nutrition. Basically in spite of the controversy you need to look at family history and what feels good in your body. Also don’t go to extremes. You can’t go far wrong mostly sticking with a range of whole food (just one ingredient) minimally messed with and counting macros.
@neahkahnie "Red meat consumption has been associated with an increased risk of total mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality.
Because food is a package deal, the nutrients in products such as beef cannot be obtained without cholesterol, saturated fat, and hormones. Red meat also contains carnitine, which can ultimately leads to the buildup of TMAO circulating throughout our bloodstream. TMAO increases the buildup of cholesterol in the inflammatory cells in the atherosclerotic plaques in our arteries, which is associated with a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. Another risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and death is choline, found primarily in eggs, milk, fish, liver, poultry and red meat."

"Meat appears to actually speed up the aging process by contributing to the loss of the telomere caps of our DNA and through the presence of AGEs (thought to likewise speed up the aging process)."

"The injections of U.S. cattle with anabolic steroids appear to make their way into the meat and have been tentatively linked with increased hormone dependent cancer levels. The sex steroid hormones in beef may affect the development of pregnant women’s son’s genitals in the womb. Meat intake has also been associated with women’s infertility and dementia."
@neahkahnie Ideally you should be getting your protein from a variety of sources. I’m vegan but even when I was eating meat I rarely ate red meat and almost never ate ground beef. Maybe if you’re getting it farm direct from hormone and antibiotic free cows fed a natural diet. A lot of what they pump in to animals is fat soluble so you’re consuming it when you eat the meat. If you have to eat meat avoid the fat unless you know where it’s coming from.

There are countless studies on the issues with eating a diet high in red meat. Meat today is not the same meet your parents ate. I’m older and where I grew up meat was organic and hormone etc. free by default.

Regardless the key to a good diet is variety.

If you’re interested I recommend the book already mentioned - How Not To Die and also Fiber Fueled. Both these started me on my health and fitness journey.
@neahkahnie Um you really don't have to kill yourself with no carb no sugar..... no healthy at all you need those to give you energy to push through your workouts
@neahkahnie I did keto for almost two years. Basically never had any sugar or carbs. I lost some weight but my cholesterol was through the roof. Ground beef has a lot of saturated fat. There are a lot of ways to eat healthy but relying on red meat isn’t the best way.
@neahkahnie i think eating animal is good nutrient wise , honestly. i personally vary the animal i eat.

i eat fruit, water. and some chocolate. sometimes sweets/processed. or even processed white bread/grain. but its better to eat mostly plants, and animal. unprocessed, whole. and drink lots of water. =) imho.

also, its okay to eat fat. track what you eat and diary how you feel regularly.
@neahkahnie I think the red meat is bad thing has been debunked (see Dr Ken Berry on YouTube). However I would probably aim for a variety of protein slices including some fatty fish.