Disappointed with progress (2 months)


New member
I (25m, 1.75m / 5’9) decided to finally get my s together and get healthy and get a fit body.

I have been working out 5 days a week with a PPLUL workout schedule. I have been eating ~2200calories with 165g of protein.

I have been taking progress pictures but I don’t see any changes. I do feel some muscles in some parts of my body - I can move my pectorals now 😂

What should I be doing something different?

Progress pics for reference. First pic August 2023 I was 160lbs. Second pic is October 2023 I am 163lbs.
@sharrylee In the area of improving fitness and physique two months is very, very little. Pretty much any time you see big obvious gains on someone in that amount of time it’s some combination of:
  1. They were fit before and just getting back what they had lost
  2. Very low body fat (or major calorie deficit + cardio to decrease body fat) so that any changes are extra obvious.
  3. Steroids. Sorry, but they are more common than you’d think, even outside bodybuilders and pro athletes.
Stick with it, you’ll get there.
@sharrylee It’s only after the first month that you will really start to stress muscles enough to create change. As others have said, it takes time to see muscle growth/physique change.
@sharrylee It takes easily 6 months to really start seeing a change, if not a year. And then you really see the changes after you've cut weight after a bulk. 2 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things.