Doctor said being vegan will kill me and if I wanna be healthy then I need to eat meat again :(

@happywifehappylife I haven’t read all the comments but I am slim and have a quick metabolism. I’m always snacking between meals(nuts etc) and I make sure I get enough complex carbs and protein.
Bottom line- there are many healthy vegans including athletes. Read up on Scott Jurek. You are vegan good!!! 👏👏
@happywifehappylife I was vegetarian for over a decade and I also would occasionally have these fainting spells around my period. Blood tests are always normal for anemia, b12. My sister (not veg) also gets this. We both have low, borderline low blood pressure. So, I always thought it was low blood pressure that causes this. Anyways I try not to overexert myself and avoid hot showers during my period to avoid fainting.
@happywifehappylife Doctors cant tell you to go nonvegan, they can actually lose their licence as nutrition is 'outside their scope of practise'.

You need to see a 'accredited dietitian' they can guide you, as doctors are not nutritionists.
@happywifehappylife Your doctor should know better than that. He should be running tests! But glad you're getting another opinion. Pro tip: anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but only Registered Dietitians have to pass exams. They're called RDNs now.
@happywifehappylife I hope you can find a different provider who will be more supportive of your life choices. After doing so much research I found most MDs don't receive nutrition training. Find a nutritionist or dietician and perhaps look into a DO or ND doctor who gets more nutrition training.
@happywifehappylife I’m sorry this happened to you. Your physician is misinformed, which isn’t uncommon. Every time I read posts like this I giggle a little bit because my doctor is the one who really encouraged me to cut out animal products. As others have said, we really need to see a food diary to know how we can help you improve your diet, if that’s the culprit.
@happywifehappylife It sounds like you might be in the UK? If that is true, remember that vegans are a protected class and discrimination against vegans is very much illegal. That doctor just opened himself up to lawsuit. Also the hospital. I might be worth sending an email to the NHS. Honestly, I doubt they will do anything because they are probably equally as bigoted towards vegans, but it might lead to a reprimand at least.
@happywifehappylife Hi, gluten free vegan here with a history of EDs as well. Make sure you’re eating enough calories, take iron supplements, and eat as many leafy greens as you can. I am chronically anemic because I’m celiac, but the dizziness and faintness happens less frequently with iron supplements and lots of kale and spinach. I also have to stay on birth control, whether I’m intimate with someone who could impregnate me or not, because it significantly lessens my periods, which in turn helps with the anemia. I’m non-binary, and always battle gender / body issues, but the one I’m on is a very low dose of hormones and hasn’t really caused any noticeable side effects
@happywifehappylife Heme-iron from animal foods will always be a superior source of iron, due to its bioavailability. Lectins from plant foods also bind to the already less bioavailable non-heme iron, as well as calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, making it harder for your body to acquire what it needs.
@happywifehappylife Hi OP, lifelong (genetically inherited) anaemic and also vegan of almost 5 years and before that was vegetarian for 18 years. Also as someone with a history of ED/restriction.

I saw some other comments mentioning things along the lines of what I am about to say as well; it sounds more like your doctor is pushing his personal opinions more than his professional ones. Additionally, I had the same issues when I was heavily restricting, and no doctors I had been to ever suggested that I eat meat. They just suggested I eat better (basically more than x amount of calories a day, and more variety) so more or less, get enough calories and hit your macro and micro targets.

I’m obviously not a doctor so I can’t tell you what your numbers or levels should be, but I suggest finding a vegan friendly/supporting physician to discuss your overall health and nutritional goals with.