Doing c/f strength, not sure when to do conditioning


New member
Just started up at a crossfit box, doing the "strength" classes which are pretty brutal. It looks like

M: Squat/OHP (example 3 sets 90% x 10)
W: Front Squat/BB row
F: Deadlift/Bench

I'm not sure if I can keep progressing on my strength days if I go to another 1-2 normal CF classes every week. Although, I'm also not sure if my lifts will be hindered because I'm not doing any conditioning. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do...?

Edit: I have a husky too, so I end up walking/hiking him for like 1.5 hours a day as well, which is part of the issue.

My goal is just to look better and be a bit healthier.
@ghb just do actual crossfit. strength work on its own is not enough. you would be better served doing actual CrossFit 2x/wk and strength 1x/wk (particularly the squat day) if you are truly confined to 3x/wk exercising.
@trustgodalways I mean, yeah, simply put. Still, your daily energy expenditure needs to be greater than (cut) or equal to (maintenance) you daily caloric intake. There is no reference to diet, so rather than make a presumption about someone else's eating habits, I'd much rather comment on what we do know; their exercising habits. I'd venture a guess that these strength classes require less average daily energy expenditure than a standard CrossFit class. I track my workouts via The Whoop Strap and have generally seen that my strength session have a significantly lower energy expenditure than a 1hr CrossFit class will.
@trustgodalways Surely, you'll agree that CrossFit is not entirely the same as steady-state cardio? If you want to get into anaerobic vs. aerobic and the glycolytic effect of each, we can certainly try, my friend.
@dawn16 Building more muscle and dieting will be far better for physique gain than any Crossfit program. This is not debatable. It's why bodybuilders don't do Crossfit

Edit: that being said, you can argue the benefits of 5 days of "crossfit" style workouts over 3 days of strength training. So... it depends...
@mikem777 I get that, but I'm not going to make presumptions about someone else's diet unless they ask specifically for diet advice. You can have a just fine physique with an adequate diet and 3-5 days of CrossFit per week. Not everyone needs to be a physique athlete just the same as not everyone needs to train like they're going to the games. Most people want to drop a little BF% and chase their dogs/kids around. CrossFit will indisputably do that.
@ghb So you do 3 sets of squats at 90% of your max for 10 reps?

Seems totally legit

If you were going to do conditioning Thurs/Sat might be your best bet, although honestly you are probably better off doing Mon/Fri strength and Tues/Weds/Sat conditioning.

I like that you guys are doing rows, but you should probably just do rows on your own, I don't really see why you need to prioritize front squats
So you do 3 sets of squats at 90% of your max for 10 reps?
Seems totally legit
If you were going to do conditioning Thurs/Sat might be your best bet, although honestly you are probably better off doing Mon/Fri strength and Tues/Weds/Sat conditioning.
I like that you guys are doing rows, but you should probably just do rows on your own, I don't really see why you need to prioritize front squats

Sweet thanks, not sure about front squats, I think in general though they help my backsquat form/mobility for what it's worth.

In terms of rows, do you think 2x a week... what days would you do them? My box has open gym basically all day.
@ghb The reason I say pass on FS is because you will get more general strength out of your back squat. FS are more of an accessory move. They are great for developing quad strength, and positional strength for clean and jerks, but as an overall general strength move back squats are superior.

Since the reality is that your goals are more in line with conditioning vs. strength work, do the Squat/Press Dead/Bench days to develop strength

If FS help your mobility go ahead and do them light or in warm ups. You don't need to do them with a high intensity to reap those mobility benefits

General rule for rows - I think it's a good idea to get as close to a 50/50 split on rows vs pull ups. If your box programs lots of pull ups maybe 1 day a week of rowing. If it's more moderate then maybe 2. The truth is you will just have to do it and find out and see how your back strength develops
@ghb That doesnt look very brutal imo. Kind of like a 2 exercise 531 split.

Can you do CF on Saturday? You could try doing CF classes on TuTh maybe even Sa or just take off the weekend after 5 days of training.
@ghb The easiest way to gain strength is to NOT do conditioning. CrossFit makes you a jack of all trades, master of none. Your lifts will improve faster without doing any conditioning.

However, if your main goal is health and looking good naked, you should prioritize diet first. Conditioning is better for your general health than strictly main lifts.

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