Double clean workouts


New member
I really enjoy doing double cleans, but find it’s normally only used in workouts as a means to an end - C&P, C&J, getting to rack etc.

Is there any clean-dominant workouts that I could look to do? Currently 3 weeks into King-sized killer and the pure volume of snatches is leading me to look for something that isn’t throwing stuff above my head for the next programme!
@robbie0376 You could run ABC (Armour Building Complex) and instead of doing 2 cleans 1 press 3 squats, you could change the numbers up (2 squats 1 press 3 cleans)

Or just run HIIT-styled workouts by doing cleans... No one's stopping you!
@dawes I’ve done ABC a few times before and find it a good fun workout but it just kicks the shit out of me far too much to do it regularly!

Might drop the weight a bit and try again but I’ve always followed Dan John’s ‘go as heavy as you can’ suggestion
@robbie0376 A simple and good workout I enjoy is to do ladders of double cleans from the floor and push ups. So:

1 clean
1 pushup
2 cleans
2 pushups

And so on with the bells paused on the floor between cleans.

I'm sure you could program something based on the above fairly easily.

Ladders up to 5 on Monday
Ladders up to 6 on Wednesday
Ladders up to 4 in Friday

Based on your 10 rep max for cleans. If you find pushups easy then do 2 for each clean.
@robbie0376 As crazy as it sounds, I've been known to do just straight sets of cleans. You don't need to make it complicated.

However if you want to mix other things in you can make any short complex clean-heavy by adding more cleans to it. For instance I've done workouts where I alternate between clean-clean-clean-squat or clean-clean-clean-jerk in an EMOM. Alternatively, the 1 rep days of DFW are also pretty clean-heavy, since you do a clean for each press and squat.
@hannah%E2%99%A5 Hi /@hannah%E2%99%A5, where did you get Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Express ULTRA - Reloaded? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Also I see Kettlebell Express (single bell version) as an addon to Kettlebell Strong and Kettlebell Hard, do you know if this is the reloaded version?

I emailed Geoff but no responses.

Thank you for your help!
@user2016 I bought it a couple of years ago.

Kettlebell Express ULTRA is the doubles version and a different set of programs to Kettlebell Express.

Maybe Geoff will do a Black Friday sale again this year of his Legacy Collection if you really want it.
@robbie0376 Check beyond typical kettlebell programming. CrossFit gyms tends to prioritize cleans and workouts are easy to find on sites like WodWell. You'll be able to find a lot more Googling around. Just swap KB's in for DB's and barbells.

Do lots of cleans. To squat, press, jerk, carry and snatch heavy, you gotta be able to clean heavy first.
