Eating 3 big meals vs 4-5 meals


New member
l’ve been thinking of splitting my 3 big meals into smaller meals. A lot of times I get snacky after eating a big meal. But I’ve read that it’s good to leave 3-4 hours between meals to allow glucagon to release so you can burn fat while sedentary. But I know that many gals also eat like 4-5 meals a day too. How does this work?
@intuition888 Big picture: do what works best for you. Calories don't care when they're consumed, only how many are consumed overall. I'm a snacker so that's what I do. If I eat too much at once midday, I crash. Try out both and see what you prefer!

The thing to keep in mind is you'll want to consume carbs before a workout for energy and protein after for muscle repair. That matters more than how many meals you have.
@intuition888 Are you asking because you are curious about how your body works, or are you curious because you are thinking in terms of gain/losing body fat? To the latter point: whether or not you burn fat as your fuel source has little to do with whether or not your body is gaining or losing fat overall. Total calories consumed will dictate that, not whether or not you are leaving 3-4 hours between meals. If you consume more than your body requires, you will gain weight (and by extension, fat), and if you consume less than your body uses then you will lose weight.

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