everything i know about losing weight that might help you


New member
REPOST (breaking up into smaller sections to be easier to read lol)

EDIT: just for clarification i am writing this from the perspective of someone who is 5’0 and has always been around 110-115 before trying to lose weight so my TDEE has always been a bit lower


first thing u need to know CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT.
its that simple eating at ur bmr will maintain, eating below u lose,eating above you gain there is no technique,no medicine,no special tea that will make u lose weight.

second, 1 lb of fat is 3500 calories,this means in order to gain 1 lb of fat u will need to eat 3500 calories ABOVE ur bmr,

also keep in mind calories do not reset the next day so if u diet all week and stay consistent but then every saturday ur having these cheat meals consistently ur wasting the hard work u put in the other 6 days of the week and u will gain weight

that brings me to my next point do not have “cheat days” this can easily ruin days of progress instead try scheduling a cheat MEAL just one meal once a month if u really want ti have a cheat meal,

but then again calories in calories out so technically u do not have to give up any of ur favorite foods just find a way to fit them into your calorie limit for the day

another thing PROTEIN!!! i cannot stress to you enough YOU NEED TO BE CONSUMING PROTEIN!!

when u lose 5 lbs think about how much of that weight is ACTUALLY FAT? and how much of it was water weight,glycogen,and muscle weight.
(also st@arving yourself will also lead to massive muscle loss)
losing muscle is exactly what will happen if u do not consume protein meaning

1.u will become weaker 2.u will be more susceptible to injuries 3.u will become “skinny fat” and most importantly 4.u will burn less calories.

u burn calories by straight up existing and that number will become much lower if all the weight ur losing is muscle to avoid this get atleast 150 minutes of cardio a week
(this can be as simple as a 20 minute walk every morning) and consume an appropriate amount of protein for your age,height,etc.

A huge warning i have for you do not trust ur apple watch or fitbit or gym equipment or any calculator to tell u how many calories u have burned
these are all a shot in the dark estimate and are usually an over estimate by atleast 20% and sometimes more
its really impossible to know for sure how many calories u have burned

so try not to workout for 30 minutes then have a cheat meal because ur apple watch told u that u burned 200 calories in an hour because quite frankly unless u are a super fit person u are not burning that many calories in an hour sorry!

another warning i have for u BUY A FOOD SCALE!!
food labels are INCREDIBLY in accurate often u will be eating sometimes 1-30 more calories than the label may list and sometimes even more
so i recommend a food scale to track ur calories the most accurate way.

i think thats all i have to say for now ill be open to answering any questions u have :3
@koruschristian couple of corrections: when you say bmr, you actually should say TDEE. BMR is the calories you need to just be alive, no other activities included. If you are not in a coma or bed bound you will need to eat more calories than your BMR. Also you can definitely burn 200 calories on a 30 minute workout regardless of fitness level, although I do agree to not trust apple watch or fit bit and to not rely on eating back the calories you burned.
@midushi u are correct ive always just referred to it as bmr my mistake but in my personal experience the average person isnt able to burn that many calories in 30 minutes because maybe lack of muscle or inability to exert themselves as much as a more experienced athlete especially a more petite individual again i am not a professional so i could be wrong!!
@koruschristian To anyone reading this in the context of a cut: it is okay to eat meals above your cut calories once a week. One meal or day of eating at maintenance or slight surplus will not derail your progress; there’s no conclusive evidence that this is the case (a meta-analysis of sorts here). Of course, magnitude matters: if your TDEE is 2000 and you’re cutting at 1600 6 days of the week but ate 2800 calories one day, you’re still cutting at an average of 1771 calories. It’s still a deficit!
@billclt16 This. No one can eat at a deficit 100% of the time and not be a miserable asshole. The way I look at CICO is an AVERAGE. That’s why I like calorie counting apps that will take your weekly or monthly calorie entries and give you an average. Makes me feel better when I have a 2000 calorie day but my average for the week is still around 1400. CICO is basically a lifestyle shift and no one can eat in a deficit for the rest of their life
@wellsja i made this post with the mindset of someone who is not only short but an average weight meaning my TDEE is much lower than the average person so i had assumed the majority of other petite women here would be in the same situation but calories truly truly add up more than u know
@koruschristian You’re making a lot of assumptions that what broad strokes worked for you will work for other people here. Many women on here are your height and weight, but with a higher TDEE. You confused BMR for TDEE. You’re a proponent of no “cheat” meals or days like it’s black and white.

Your post lacks so much nuance that is backed up by evidence and you’re not caveating any of your claims. Ask the many women here who are your height and weight but carry it differently. Or weigh more than you but may have smaller measurements. Not saying your entire post is wrong (I agree in particular about your claim re: focusing on high protein and not trusting Apple Watch) but your overall arguments can be really misleading or straight up false, and I wanted to add some of that nuance back so that a beginner wouldn’t take your post as straight up 100% fact.
@koruschristian I’m going to be honest with you. No hate.

I feel like you should delete this post because it‘s not super helpful to take a fear mongering tone. This sub has some amazing pros who know better and won’t be affected by inaccurate points in your post. But, the sub also has some beginners who know bare minimum about fat loss. Maybe take some time and rewrite after a review?
@deelo00 It's all stuff you can copy paste from a cursory search of the COCO subreddit I really don't think it belongs here because it's not really helpful. I can post "everything I know" about the 1999 Subaru Outback but if I'm not an expert or saything anything that people can't easily figure out from 2 seconds of googling who gives a shit
@deelo00 the reason i wrote it this way is to be straight up and blunt to show just how easy weight loss can be and list some things that may be holding people back that they hadnt even considered i stand by this advice as its helped me lose weight in a sustainable long term way
@koruschristian I understand kitchen scale is important esp when making your own food. But food labels in ready/packaged items/ingredients aren’t INCREDIBLY inaccurate. They can be JUST A LITTLE off.
@deelo00 heres a small example i recently experienced i bought these reeses puff cereal bars and the serving size was 24gs for 100 calories but each bar was anywhere from 27-31 gs varying from 117-130 calories so i think thats quite a bit
and ive had other experiences where i was eating atleast 20 calories more or less than listed
@koruschristian You can definitely have cheat days if you plan for it to continue your deficit.

This list reads as a bit immature and there are a ton of inaccuracies/things blown out of proportion but yes overall CICO is the rule.
@asing This!!! Cheat days can be super helpful for some people as long as you keep tracking your calories and stay with in your WEEKLY calories, no harm no foul! It’s all about planning and tracking.