Joined a great gym but I’m embarrassed that I’m last at everything

@angie032386 Totally understand that feeling. Sometimes it's like that but, hey, you already did the toughest thing: getting out the door and showing up! we go to a WOD not to pretent to be strong in the WOD but to get strong for what happens outside the box
@angie032386 I always finish last in my CrossFit class and I’m 100% okay with that. Like you said those people have been there for a while so of course they are gonna be great at it. My coach is awesome tho he doesn’t make rude comments or make us feel bad. He understands everyone is different and going at their own pace. I would stick it out and if you genuinely don’t like the vibe try another CrossFit gym. Depending on where you are there can be so many options available also I find going on runs by myself on days I take off from CrossFit have helped !!! It’s a lot of cardio in that sport
@angie032386 Im in the exact same boat so it’s good to see someone experiencing the same thing. But your coach should NOT be saying what they’re saying if you are getting lightheaded. That’s NOT appropriate—they should be telling you to slow down like my coach did when I experienced lightheadness.
@angie032386 I hear you. Remember, you’re fitter than a lot of people who never walk through the door.

At my gym I often finish last, or close to it. It used to freak me out and I would scale my workouts to prevent it from happening.

But then I realized, if I wanted to grow and challenge myself I needed to make the workouts progressively more difficult - and be okay with whatever that meant.

It was hugely freeing to focus on my personal goals and let go of how I compared to everyone else on a given day.

My advice is, you do you. Last shmast. You’re a bad ass and how you place in a class matters so much less than how your efforts are helping you place in life.
@angie032386 If you don’t already walk, add that to your life. It is a good reset for the body. It’s effective and free. Over time, you can add books in a backpack (rucking) if you want more challenge. Or not.

Maybe pick one exercise to work on and make it a regular exercise at home. The kettlebell swing is a great choice. This gives you a hip hinge. It costs you the price of a kettlebell.

Add in some basic mobility exercises. Do a little easy mobility work every day. No cost. Doing halos with your kettlebell are a great addition to this. You can also pass the bell around your body.

After a while, add a goblet squat. This gives you a squatting exercise. No additional cost.

Learn the Turkish get up. Learn it with empty hand first. Then add a cup or a shoe as the item you hold. Then add your kettlebell instead.

Walk a distance with your kettlebell in your weak hand, suitcase carry. Walk back with it in your strong hand. Over time, increase the distance.

After a while, get good at another basic exercise. If you can do a pull up, add that. If you can’t, search for progressions so you can do a pull up. This gives you a pulling exercise.

After a while, learn the clean and press with your kettlebell.

One tool and you can build a pretty solid at home program which will improve your fitness and your performance in CrossFit.

I like Wildman who covers all of this and more)

But there are plenty of other great resources.
@angie032386 Took me longer than the few months it sounds like you've been at it (unless I misunderstand the timeline) to stop being last, and I was a 37-year-old guy who had years of (non-Crossfit) gym time. Combining patience with the physical resiliency typical of someone your age is a wide-open opportunity for progress. Make sure you're doing things right before you worry about doing them fast.
@angie032386 I usually finish last on purpose. I go in the mornings and own a cleaning business so I can’t use all the gas in the tank and feel drained the rest of the day. No one really cares and pretty soon they’ll be another new person and you won’t be last anymore but you can cheer them on. It’s nice cycle to see play out.
ALSO, it’s better to GO SLOW and BUILD FORM so you don’t hurt yourself. I’d rather use an empty barbell or very light weight until I have excellent form than who lift and get hurt.
@angie032386 re: lightheadedness, try some electrolytes mixed with water (Nuun is a reasonably cost effective option, but Pedialyte and Liquid IV are also great) before/during your workout!