@angie032386 If you don’t already walk, add that to your life. It is a good reset for the body. It’s effective and free. Over time, you can add books in a backpack (rucking) if you want more challenge. Or not.
Maybe pick one exercise to work on and make it a regular exercise at home. The kettlebell swing is a great choice. This gives you a hip hinge. It costs you the price of a kettlebell.
Add in some basic mobility exercises. Do a little easy mobility work every day. No cost. Doing halos with your kettlebell are a great addition to this. You can also pass the bell around your body.
After a while, add a goblet squat. This gives you a squatting exercise. No additional cost.
Learn the Turkish get up. Learn it with empty hand first. Then add a cup or a shoe as the item you hold. Then add your kettlebell instead.
Walk a distance with your kettlebell in your weak hand, suitcase carry. Walk back with it in your strong hand. Over time, increase the distance.
After a while, get good at another basic exercise. If you can do a pull up, add that. If you can’t, search for progressions so you can do a pull up. This gives you a pulling exercise.
After a while, learn the clean and press with your kettlebell.
One tool and you can build a pretty solid at home program which will improve your fitness and your performance in CrossFit.
I like
Wildman who covers all of this and more)
But there are plenty of other great resources.