Joined a great gym but I’m embarrassed that I’m last at everything

@angie032386 It will improve - don’t focus on being last, focus on beating your own PR
I saw progress when I could do 10 pushups in a row where I couldn’t manage 3-4 at a time
It will come! Good luck
@angie032386 I've been doing CF for 5 years, I got my level 1 last year. I finish last all the time!!

I think all this experience and training I have graduated from being awful at this to just plain bad!!

There's only one person to beat my friend!!
@angie032386 The struggle is real. Frankly, sounds like you need to focus more on your head game. Pick up a book by David goggins or listen to him on YouTube for some inspiration. Keep on fighting the good fight.
@angie032386 The best thing about CrossFit IMO is nobody really cares how much you lift and what place you finish. Sure there may be some competition in the gym between certain individuals but in my experience everyone is just glad you’re there pushing yourself to be better everyday. If you can afford to take more classes then do that. I’ve been doing CrossFit for 3 years now and never felt bad for finishing a workout last or close to last. I just think to myself wow those movements are something I need to focus on, but hey at least I showed up today. Like everybody else has said in this thread keep going and stick with it!
@angie032386 Being last is the best because everyone is there to pick you up, and court you in.

Being competitive and top 5 in class is a bitch because you make friends and you meet passive aggressive fucks.
@angie032386 Keep the grind up, talking from experience. From a athlete that couldn’t do squat shit to be able to compete with the RX boys a couple of years later.

Take your recovery very serious and also supplements to help you perform well. Just keep it up ✨
@angie032386 I struggled with coming in last too. I’ve been going for around 6 weeks and doing better now. I have previous 3+ years lifting weights though, but my cardio is ass. They let point us you are pushing yourself and improving yourself. Don’t worry about others, just that your improving on yourself.
@angie032386 10 days a month is fine to start but I would look into going more consistently if possible. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe CrossFit recommends 3 days on 1 day off cycles. My L1 coach was adamant that athletes have at least one day off a week. I told her I play hockey on my rest day and she said “that’s not a rest day”.

Like others have said, just keep grinding. Don’t get peer pressured into RXing workouts when you’re not ready. Scale like game of thrones. When I started I literally had to relearn my squat. Unlearn years of bad habits. It comes with time and consistency. Joining a CrossFit box was the best thing I ever did for my fitness.
@angie032386 Ya they can get expensive. The gym I’m a member of is free. It’s called the Phoenix, and it’s only price of admission is 48 hours of sobriety. It’s a non profit that does way more then just CrossFit. Pretty interesting concept and the most amazing community. There are 4 actual brick and mortar gyms around the country, Denver, Colorado Springs, Boston, and Wichita Kansas. But there are events and affiliates all over the world! here’s the link for the app. Maybe you can find a free event near you.
@angie032386 I was in the same position. Last in the WODs and in most strength workouts.
But I just kept going and now I’m in the middle of the pack for some workouts and in the top third whenever we do those one or two things that I happen to be good at.
This will happen a lot more quickly for you because you’re 20. I was 50. 50!
You young ‘uns get better waaaay faster.
So please keep going; stay consistent, keep great records and compete mainly against yourself and you’ll see major improvements.
@angie032386 Scaling is your friend. I can do about half the workouts Rx or even portions of a workout Rx. I do what I can to push myself everyday. That’s all that matters. Our gym is great at encouraging everyone, no matter the fitness level. Showing up is half the battle, the other half is not giving up.