Fat, or loose skin?


New member
I was hoping someone could help me decipher if this is fat, or loose skin.
I've dropped 100 pounds recently, but I honestly can't tell if this is left over fat, or just loose skin.
I feel like my abs should be visible, I can feel them, but they're basically non existent as far as being visible.

I'm 5'10 and currently 155 pounds.
I can't imagine having to dropping down to 145-140 pounds and being at a healthy weight, but I feel like I need to maybe lose another 10-15 pounds in order to see my abs. I know it might sound kind of conceded, but that's really all I want.

I eat my daily protein (150-160 grams) and do heavy lifting 3-4 days a week.

Do I just need to keep cutting and work on my core, lifting heavy?

Also, my whole middle area is still pretty jiggly. Like...if I bounce, it jiggles....that's fat, right? Loose skin doesn't jiggle, does it?

Any comments would be appreciated.

@tedpolaris From the looks of it, probably a little bit of both? One thing I can say is that even though your height/weight proportions say you are "lean", it's a pretty good bet that some of the weight loss you experienced was muscle loss, which is why you can be 155 pounds and still not have visible abs--you still have a relatively high fat to muscle ratio.

To fix this, my suggestion would be this. Continue to cut until you get to 10% BF or so (you WILL have visible abs at that point, I promise you). At this point you very well might be 140-145, but realize that this is just temporary, not your final destination.

Once you get there, do a controlled bulk for 2-4 months and put on as much quality muscle mass as you can. Then do one last cut back down to 10% BF. At that point you should clock in closer to 155 or so, but your body visually will look much better. You'll have the leanness and definition you want but will also have more muscle mass to go with it.
@tedpolaris I don't have personal experience of that much weight loss but based on my reading of other people's /r/progresspics and comments there:

I feel like if you just lost 100 pounds, it's loose skin and it will take some time to tighten up.

I think 5' 10" and below 155 might be low for someone who works out. I'm 5'10" 165 and not very big at all.
@tedpolaris A very rough rule of thumb since there is some variability ... but if what you can pinch is more than 1.0" there is still fat .... under that, mostly double folded skin.

It is not uncommon to have loose skin with large weight losses and while some people are blessed with genetics that allow for great elasticity and rebound .... most people will have to deal with some loose skin after successful large scale weight loss or if it is bothersome enough , removal.
Michael Spitzer - award winning author - Fitness at 40 50 60 and Beyond
@tedpolaris Chasing Abbs as a natty is just going to fuck you up.

You look amazing.

Congratulations on losing 100 pounds! That's more then 2 plates.

Go to a butchery and ask them to show you 100 pounds of fat. It's massive.

Well done.