Favourite grips

@jjmcubbin I’ve tried them all.

Everyone at my gym who borrows my Element26 IsoComp grip whips out their phone and buys them on Amazon immediately. You feel magnetized to the bar.

Hear me now, believe me later. Those grips got this 53M into the quarterfinals. Could have never made it through 24.3 without them.
@patona They were good when I first got them but after a few months they’ve totally lost their grip. More just act as a pad for me rather than being sticky like they were when I got them. The first time i wore them I could almost do a strict muscle up they were so sticky, now the sticky has totally gone
@samkbh63 How often do you clean them? When the ridges on the black surface get filled with dirt, dust, chalk they lose their grip. If you chalk them directly they’ll slip off instantly. The edges of those ridges seem to be what’s causing the grip.

I toss mine in the wash and air dry every month-ish. I always wash them right before a comp.
@muel89 Yes I have the same ones (no finger holes) been great for me. Got them a size bigger than recommended. Once they go I will try victory and possibly reyllen but my carbons are great
@jannylove I've seen so many videos of dislocations because they are so long they wrap over themselves 🤢 so the person goes to dismount and one wrist is still attached to the rig. Thumbs, wrists, shoulders