Favourite grips

@pjc I think you’re thinking of a different brand, frog grips have the finger holes, they fit beautifully& certainly don’t wrap over themselves.
@jannylove I think you're thinking of a different brand....
Literally the first ones when you go to "shop" on their website... Frog Grips

The first ones on that page are the exact ones I've seen wrap over themselves and cause someone to stay connected to the rig when dismounting.

They make different types, of course, but 6 of their 8 types are hole-less, FYI.
@pjc My coach/gym owner orders the ‘elite’ frog grips for anyone who wants them which have finger holes and do not wrap over so I do apologise, I wasn’t aware they also sold wrap over ones, which I agree are a terrible idea and could cause many injuries.

The elite frog grips are the best grips I’ve owned.
@jjmcubbin I tried Victory and still got blisters. I just got Frog grips and I hate them because they're super sloppy on the bar, even if I wipe off all the chalk before working as they're meant to be chalk less. I just got carbon Bear Komplex. I hope they're as good as what Ive heard.

I'm trying to sell my Frog grips for 50% off. I used them maybe 5x.
@jjmcubbin Frog grips for me again the moment.

In all fairness though changing the way I grip onto the bar has made a bigger difference than what grips I use.

Learning to use "pinch on" where all the weight is transfered through the grip to my wrists rather than my hands means I haven't had issues in the past few months.

Completed 24.3 9 rounds without so much as a blister.
@jjmcubbin I like my Reyllen Bumblebee grips! They are fairly thin and work well with my sweaty hands. They say they require chalk, but I use with chalk and without chalk with no issue.
@jjmcubbin I have bear komplex, and I still rip up my hand usually right in the center of the palm. I haven’t used a callus file or anything like that, saw a guy on a video used one that was like a round bar anyone know where I could find something like that?