Feeling weaker


New member
F, 5’1-156cm, 65.5kg-143lbs. I was eating at 1500-1600 calorie a couple of days ago for 2 months and there were no changes in weight, or clothes at all, I figured that’s my maintenance and should eat lower so I started eating at 1300-1350 a day. While doing the elliptical for an hour 6 days a week and weight lifting 3 days a week. I feel weaker, I am losing weight but I feel more weak than I was, I shouldn’t feel that way I’m pretty sure, and my stomach grumbles, I know that means I’m losing weight but I read somewhere that’s not supposed to happen. I don’t feel so weak I can’t walk, but even flexing my muscles is a little tiring, I’m not sure if that’s because I just ate a ton but man I don’t think this is healthy. When I was eating 1500-1600 I felt good, I’m pretty sure if I started eating at 1400 I wouldn’t lose weight still, or I would but it would be an extremely slow process which I don’t want but I also don’t want a very fast process. What to do?
@dawn16 I have been doing that for ever since I started “dieting” and I was losing weight at the beginning then stopped and now I’m losing again after lowering my cals while still also working out the same wokouts
@sorthodox Ok, so the cals is an issue here. When you were at maintenance, were you consistently increasing your weights and reps at the gym? Or challenging your elliptical work with faster speeds or higher resistance?
@dawn16 Elliptical I wasn’t very focused on it I just did it while listening to music and pace would be as the music listened to. And with weight yeah I am increasing it gradually though sometimes I fall back 1-2kg
@sorthodox You were probably eating a deficit for some time and now your body has adapted to it. So the only way to lose weight now is a further deficit (which always sucks) or to try to increase your maintenance.

If you continue in the deficit, scale back your cardio. You will feel better.

To increase your maintenance, add a 100-200 calories daily every few weeks. Try this for a few weeks/months until your weight becomes stable. I estimate maintenance calories with this type of training would be 2000. Your body will use the calories to build and repair muscle, not necessarily gain fat. You can track this by taking waist and hip measurements…
@dawn16 I’ll try doing it that when I reach 59kg, I feel like I’ve been maintaining for too long on accident that I just can’t wait to finally get to 50s. Thanks!
@sorthodox Ok, I do recommend scaling back cardio and making sure you get at least 90g of protein a day. You should weight lift upper and lower body each twice a week (4x a week). If you continue doing elípticas and not working out each your muscle group twice during the week, you risk losing muscle with your deficit
@dawn16 I try to get 100g of protein a day, and I usually focus on upper body 3x a week and just have the elliptical do my lower body. Do u recommend I lower elliptical to 30-45 minutes a day

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