First Post - Balance? Advice welcome :)


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First post: Balance? Advice welcome

Hey Nutritioners -

This is my first post here - so forgive me if I am missing the mark here.

I have started #75Hard 7 days ago (going well) - I have done a meal plan, and I am prepping today. I will be sticking with the meal plan, likely through the course of the remaining 68 days of this challenge. For those of you unfamiliar with the challenge, it goes like this:
1 - Drink 1 Gallon of flat unflavored water daily
2 - Follow a diet
3 - No Alcohol and No Cheat Days
4 - Perform 2 x 45 minute Workouts per day (one must be outdoors)
5 - Read 10 pages of a non fiction, self improvement book (no audio books)
6 - take a daily progress picture

Here are my stats:
37yrs - 218lbs - 5’11”

My meal plan is as follows:

- 2 Eggs (from my backyard chickens) over medium (salt & garlic powder)
- 4oz Fat free cottage cheese (plain)
- 3 Jenni-O Turkey sausage links
(One Celsius energy drink)
(Macros - 366cals - 38g protein - 17.5g Fat - 9 Carbs)

Sweet potato & ground turkey hash
- 6oz Turkey (93/7)
- 4 Oz Sweet pots
- 1oz garlic cloves (maybe more, never enough garlic ;)
- 1/4oz butter
- onion
- 2 oz asparagus
- 1oz feta
(Macros - 595 cals - 56protein - 12 fat - 29carb)

- Rice, roasted veggies, turkey patties
- 4oz Jasmin or basmati rice
- 4oz Broccoli
-3oz Cauliflower
- 3 oz Zucchini
- 1/2 oz butter
- 1oz feta
- 8oz Ground turkey (salt pepper garlic powder) (93/7)
- 1oz sharp cheddar
(Macros - 683 cals - 54.5 protein - 43fat - 37 carbs)

Supplements: ≈60 cals -2.5g fat

Overall macros - (1600cals - 148.5protein - 75fat - 75 carbs)

Supplements : 5g Creatine Monohydrate daily (Thorne) - 143mg Magnesium (Slow-Mag), 1.7mg 5-MTHF methylated folate (Thorne), 2150mg Omega 3 (Nordic naturals Pro Omega 2000)

Morning - 3m hike @ 15-17min/mile - approx 500ft elevation - HR average 135 (45-50 minutes)
Evening - Weightlifting - working in some jump rope (ow) & farmers carries - mostly compound lifts superset for with high reps (currently, will mix it up) - HR Average 110 - 45 minutes (15-20 sets) - alternating push/pull days, and working in isolation days)

-Bedtime at 11-1130pm
- Wake up 6am

(Previously go to bed at 1-2am wake up at 9-930)

Goals: lose fat, build strength & endurance, complete challenge.

Insight - I am content to eat the same thing every day for the duration of the challenge. Mindset: food is for feeding. After a week, I am tired earlier for sure, if I feel absolutely great during the day.

- Do any of you nutrition savvy folks see anything obviously lacking in this meal plan?
- supplement suggestions?
- salt for electrolytes? Do I need to worry about this drinking a gal?

If this is the wrong forum for this, any advice is appreciated!!

Thank you!!
@theqom Gonna be hard to work out twice a day in 1600 calories unless you're taking appetite suppressants or GLPs. Your BMR is ~1900. You'll want to be closer to 2300.
@max003 Thanks for the reply! If you consider Zyn an appetite suppressor, then that’s on lock haha

Indeed that second workout is a difficult one, more mentally than physically, but difficult nonetheless.

Not particularly looking to make this process easier, in my experience, difficult often equates to effective. Just want to make sure I’m not doing anything foolish with this plan. I’ve given myself flexibility to add calories (likely via protein) if energy really takes a dive.

Thank you for your thoughts, I’ll add them to my consideration.
@theqom I don't know what Zyn is, but even with appetite suppression, you may encounter metabolic issues at such a huge deficit. It's a long journey, not a destination. Keep sustainability in mind. You do you, but there's a reason a 500 calorie deficit is the gold standard. Jeff Nippard has a good YT vid about it.
@max003 Thank you stud - I’ll check him out.

Have you done the #75hard challenge? This is my first attempt and I’m determined to crush it