Fitness apps that don't emphasize weight loss?

@anniecat chiming in to say you can customize which metrics are displayed on the watch during active workouts--so I think that anyone who wants to focus on the rest of their stats but prefers to avoid thinking about energy in terms of calories can hide that number.
@dancingwithgod85 I'd honestly love to get into Peloton if I knew I'd stick with it! My chronic pain has meant I haven't been able to exercise consistently for a long time, and I want to get to a point where fitness is a bigger part of my life before I spend more money on it.
@jbsimmons For what it's worth, during one really crappy winter we rented a peloton bike (direct from them, it's a thing) and it was a great call for us. After a few months we called and they came and swisked it away.

There's a non-refundable one time delivery fee of $150 and then the monthly rental fee includes your membership. Came with free shoes too.

It was a great way to test the ecosystem and dabble when going to real gyms wasn't a great option without hacking up the real money.
@dancingwithgod85 You don't need the equipment, but you do need at least the app subscription. The app can now pair with some treadmills, you can DIY cadence for bike workouts, and there are bodyweight workouts, equipment-less cardio, and outdoor walks/runs if you don't want to deal with gym stuff at all.
@jbsimmons Download a plain pedometer app. It counts your steps but doesn’t focus on calories or weight.

In terms of tracking goals, do it manually with the notes app. It’s not as convenient but for me I just don’t fuck with most of the apps for the same reason.
@faithfulsteward7 I've been using GoogleFit for the pedometer feature for the last little while, but I really value being able to visualize my progress so that's moreso what I'm looking to get out of an app. But I'd rather have a positive relationship with fitness so I might need to do it manually to avoid all of that stuff.

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