Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

@heegar From a service. At this point I’ve tried just about every single meal prep or prepared meal service out there and settled on a few favorites.
@heegar I have a 1 year old so YMMV. Also i spent the past year fleshing out my home gym so i only have to go downstairs

Up at 5.30am workout for 30-40 min

Whatever time left over is for mental workout until 6.30 (IE coding, studying a new topic or research)

6.30 walk dog, Unload and load dishwasher prep kids food

7.30 Shower take dog to daycare. Login to work by 9am

5.30 Shut the work down and commit 45 to working on building passive income (Real estate research, Drop shipping whichever business needs work)

6.15 Help mom and take some time with the kid so she can work out

8pm Kid in bed 10-20min Row or Run depending on workout type

Try to be SLEEP by 11. In bed by 1030.

Me and my wife squeeze in sexytime usually after 8pm or if i have a meeting gap in the day.
@heegar Going to the gym twice a day seems concerning if you’re not training for a marathon or an athlete. I don’t know anything about your health or life but I would recommend once a day and make it a longer duration. Trying to carve out time twice a day is even harder than once a day. Maybe consider an evening walk or something to that effect of a second workout, but the body needs rest too.