Fraser tortures fitness blogger

@eeyore5 I really appreciate some of the questions Will was asking Mat:

"Do you think CrossFit is a cult?"

"'Fittest Person on Earth.' Is that an accurate title?"
@eeyore5 As someone who has only been doing Crossfit for a month, I can completely relate to Will here. I suck at all the endurance and cardio stuff (for now...). I'm fine with weights, but I always want to tap out during the WODs.

I also nearly broke my neck the first time I tried a HSPU, it can be quite daunting if you aren't comfortable upside down or confident you can hold your weight.

Will's experience in this video does not surprise me at all, and is basically me at every WOD (which are much less intense than these sessions).

Good content!
@eeyore5 A bit douchey to try to get him to handstand walk. The guy clearly has zero conditioning, so was odd that Fraser was so surprised that he couldn't handle metcons. There's 1/3 of a million views and if I wasn't into crossfit, I'd think that Fraser came across as a bit of a tool (I don't think he is by the way, just I can imagine that would be my takeaway if this was the only time I had seen him. He must have realised how basic this guy's fitness is compared to an elite level crossfitter).
@skywalker The video is about him joining Mat for Mat's daily routine. If his daily routine has handstand work, were they just supposed to skip it? The whole point is to demonstrate the difficulty of Mat's routine, even for someone who's really active (Will).
@skywalker He didn't want him to handstand walk, just be able to kick up into a handstand.

It didn't come across to me that Matt was surprised he was struggling during the metcon he was surprised he couldn't catch a wallball